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Literary Friday: Creative Display

Friday, August 24, 2012


This week I read Creative Display by Geraldine James.  I reviewed Creative Walls in January.  You can read that post here.

At first I didn't like Creative Display as much as Creative Walls.  Maybe because it wasn't what I had expected.  I was expecting a book about how to display collections, and that really isn't what this book is about.  Very few collections are included.  The book is about how to display the things you love most and how to use them while entertaining.  Each space is very personal, and most are either whimsical, quirky, or just plain strange.  Most of the spaces belong to creative types like Rachel Ashwell and French artist Laurence Amelie, and they were either a bit sparse or very, very cluttered. The chapters include Heart of the Home (the big family table), Work Spaces, Outdoors, Celebrations, and Upcycling.  My favorite chapter is Upcycling:  It encourages the reader to find unusual uses for found objects.  My favorite example is a very large bellows made from leather used as a coffee table in front of a fireplace.

Here are some of my favorite images from the book:


I love this simple display of silver coffee pots and white flowers picked from the garden.  I have always loved table lamps in kitchens, and this one's lampshade is a quirky counterpart to its traditional base.  Also, I admire any homeowner who foregoes upper cabinets in favor of art!


One of the few collections in the book, this collection of pitchers displayed on a kitchen windowsill is sweet.


The turquoise antique door is a gorgeous backdrop for everything on the cafe table.  The door's color compliments the heirloom roses and cupcakes.


Anything displayed on the pretty French desk is highlighted by the French doors and billowing curtains.

The more I pick-up this book and read it, the more I like the advice and images in it.  Have you read any good decorating books lately?  Blog about them and link up!

Until next time...

Happy reading!
Ricki Jill


  1. I love books...I collect cook books,magazines and I have all my Daddy's books..I'm not really big on reading,but I do love to look at the pictures and read when something catches my eye,crazy ain't it....but now a book about tablescapes,decorating and displays has always been something that I enjoy.

    Shelley's room re-do is fantastic!

  2. Everything looks so pretty. love the collection of pitchers on the windowsill. Hope your MIL is doing better today. Thought about you first thing when I woke up this morning.


  3. Ricki Jill,
    Thanks so much for this review. I love designer books but have so often purchased one on the recommendation of a colleague and been terribly disappointed, to the tune of $25 and up! You have selected some really lovely vignettes for the review, still, I'm concerned with your input regarding strange and cluttered items. I think I'll wait until I can take a peek inside the book before ordering. My last designer book was Charles Faudree, Details. He never disappoints me. He has a new book out that I'll be curious about.

  4. I bet there are many great ideas in the book. I will come back later to link up with a review of a great book!

  5. Thanks for sharing, I really have to sit back and enjoy a good decorating's been way too long.

    Ciao bella.
    Creative Carmelina

  6. I think my head would explode if I looked at a decorating book!

  7. Hi, I've recently found your blog and am loving it. I love your book reviews, decor and out and about posts. You have introduced me to McKenzie Childs and I think I'm hooked on her, thank you for that! Coincidentally Pioneer Woman has posted about her enamel mugs just yesterday and they're gorgeous.


  8. Hello again, a book I've really enjoyed this summer is American Wife by Curtis Sittenfelf. Perhaps you've already reviewed it and I just haven't gone that far back? If not I hope you give it a whirl.

  9. Lovely! This looks like a great book! I have read several
    Charles Faudree lately and love them too! I love the pitchers in the windowsill! Gorgeous!

  10. I think I am going to have to have this book!

    Thank you for sharing!


  11. Hi RJ! I agree, some decorating books have to grow on you!! I do like the little pots on the window sill! This is so funny, as I bought a decorating book at a thrift shop today! It's a Southern Living one and is filled with traditional spaces which I love and can relate too!
    Be a sweetie and thanks for popping in to see me,
    Shelia ;)

  12. Hello RickiJill, Thanks for your visit and comments and thanks too for your book review. Have a wonderful week. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  13. What a fun party Ricki. I have some great books. I need to pull them out and revisit. Is this a weekly thing, or just today?
    I loved the pics you shared. Especially the turquoise door.

  14. Hi Ricki Jill,
    It's been a while since I made a visit. Thanks for coming by my way, and leaving your lovely comment on my Fairy with the lantern. She really is cool. I love what Shelly has done to her room. The makeover is beautiful. So grown up and pretty colors. I like the pages in the book you just read on creative display's..with the seasons changing we can display so much for fall too.the summer has gone by so quickly and now school is back in session. Soon it will be winter..good grief did I say that? Enjoy..

  15. I love the kitchen sink picture too. And that turquoise door!

    What fun. It sounds like the book is growing on you.

    Have a great day!

  16. I really like those displays, Ricki. They are different and I like different. I really like the one with a turquoise backdrop......Christine

  17. Very inspiring Ricki! I love the warm vintage displays too.

  18. I'm going to look for this book. Looks like it is full of inspiration.

  19. I'm going to have take a peak at this book! I'm afraid I lean toward the "very cluttered" spectrum of decorating :) Love the photo of the kitchen with the collection of white pitchers~ charming!


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
