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Success!!! *finally*

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

After trying several Victoria sandwich recipes, I finally succeeded in getting it just right.  You can read my previous post about these cakes here.

This is the recipe that guaranteed my success.  It might seem a bit tedious adding the beaten eggs one teaspoon at a time, but that is the best trick, especially for a beginner like me.

I also used 6" sandwich tins and parchment paper to bake my cakes.


I used raspberry jam for the filling.  Raspberry seems to be the traditional choice rather than other flavors.


The cake truly is springy and wonderful.  


We always have tea every afternoon.  We rarely have something this extravagant, though. What have you been doing this afternoon?  

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Wow this looks so amazing!! I am dieting and it is nearing dinner time so I'm about to jump through the computer and eat all of your cake!

  2. I have been yakking on the phone and eating cookies this afternoon...that doesn't sound nearly as civilized as tea and Victorian sandwiches! It took me a second to realize the size of neat!

  3. Deve essere buono!!!Baci,Rosetta

  4. What a delish looking cake..I too agree raspberry is the best choice..yummy..what kind of tea did you have with it? A flavored tea or a breakfast blend?

  5. I would never take the time to make this cake, but oh does it look yummy!!!

  6. Oh Ricki, that looks delicious! Call me strange, but I much prefer a cake like this over a rich chocolate one.

  7. YOu have tea every afternoon? Yet another reason I think you are wonderful. It is such a civilized tradition. The cake looks fantastic.

  8. It looks delicious! You are very patient and it paid off!

    Have a great day.

  9. That looks fantastic...and perfect with tea! :D
    (and now I want to go to Victoria, BC for the weekend)

  10. I love you cake pans about as much as looking at the cake. SUCCESS! I'm your newest follower. I do not have a button yet..but when I get one. I'll let you know. I'll be glad to grab yours. Please come see me.. Mary

  11. I say, very nicely done indeed. (posh English accent) .... My in-laws also have tea every day.

  12. Strawberry Jam? Save a slice for me please.

  13. Well that must have been fun to eat it while you were busy mastering the final. Looks great Ricki!

  14. Wow, that looks great! How have I never heard of a Victoria sandwich? I love having tea, its a fun tradition and I don't do it often enough!

  15. I saw the photo and said yum, English jam cake. My afternoon is not nearly as fun. Heading out to PT and then stopping by Staples for some mailers. I'll be thinking about a piece of that while I am out. :)

  16. This looks Scrumptious! I like tea in the afternoon in the winter and when I have a cupcake on hand (quite frequently) I will have to give this a try.

    Paper Feather Dreamcatcher would be awsome! If you do give it a try I want to see! Thank you for your kind comments on my blog.

  17. OMG, my mouth is watering !!!
    It is hot here in New York now! We don't have central air, a few window units and fans.....uggggghhhh..


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