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Debbiedoo's Magazine Copy Cat Challenge: Spring Edition

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Random Thoughts

Are you participating in the parties listed above?  They sound like tons of fun. Today, Debbiedoo is hosting a spring magazine copy cat challenge.

My inspiration came from a lovely article in the February 2012 edition of Country Living Magazine (British Edition).  The article is about incorporating homemade items into your decor.  


Don't you know that the artist in me loves this cover!


I was inspired by this photo of hand thrown pitchers with forsythia branches.  Such a pretty vignette for spring!


I used my collection of MacKenzie-Childs pitchers and creamers in my copy cat.  They are handmade in Aurora, New York.  I used pussy willow branches instead of forsythia.


Ta-da!  Sorry about the darkness of my photo as it is very overcast here today.

Are you linking-up to any of these parties?  I hope to see you there!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Ta-da is right. I like your version better. I have pussy willows out now too. They just say spring don't they? Your collection of pitchers is so pretty. Great job!

  2. Ooooh! Love your pottery! Your copy is fabulous!

  3. Ta daaaaaaaaaaaaa! I love Ricki, it is perfecto. Your pitchers are so pretty and so colorfu. Thanks for joining in on the fun!

  4. WOW....this looks is just perfect. You did a great job, Ricki...
    xo bj

  5. Wow, that's gorgeous! You have such a lovely collection! xo, Andrea

  6. You did a beautiful job on the challenge, Ricki! As a matter of fact, I prefer your copy to the original. Your MC pitchers are way prettier than the ones they used!

  7. I love your copy too, the pitchers you have collected are so nice and pretty!

  8. Great copy cat! YOURS WINS though. I like your pottery much better =) The pussy willows too. LOL =)

  9. I love your copy, Ricki. It's great, better than the original...Christine

  10. Your version looks just as pretty as the one in the magazine.

  11. Oh your pottery is beautiful.
    You did awesome. Love the pussy willows.

  12. Beautiful! I love yours better! Your pitchers are so beautiful and colorful!

  13. Not sure if I have every mentioned that we Live just over an hour from aurora! They have a barn sale every year, but I have never gone (safer that way), but do. Have some treasures from when mY mom went (not a fish sink like the one she got herself though!)

  14. Thanks for visiting! Love your copy. Great job!

  15. Your copy looks great! I love pottery, everything looks great!

  16. I am not participating in any of these parties but your copycat looks beautiful!


  17. Hi RJ! Oh, I love your copy catting! I love yours more - it's so much softer and sweeter looking! Such pretty little MC pieces.
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting :) I am joining in Debbie Doo's challenge too , working on that post now. Hope you come back and vusut my blog again soon . I am a new follower :)

  19. So adorable, love your "copy cat" version! Your pottery is beautiful, especially with the pussy willows! ~Marcy

  20. I love the reminds me of the tree I had on the farm I grew up on.....oh how I miss that tree!

    This copy cat thing is really neat...I've been visiting a few blogs with this theme..and it's been fun!

    Have a great night.

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  21. I love your copy cat, Oh pussy willows, I have not seen any forever, I don't think they grow here in Florida. We have not been the sunshine state for a couple days and I have some things to photograph, lets hope like Annie sings...The sun will come up tomorrow!


  22. Your copy cat is so much prettier than the original. Love your collection of pitchers and I like the pussy willows better than the forsythia.

  23. Oh my, Ricki Jill, it looks lovely! I like your pitchers better!

  24. OMG-love the big pitcher! Haven't seen this edition over here yet. I haven't done any Easter decorating yet, so I won't be able to party:(

  25. Wonderful take on the magazine layout,one of my favourites when I'm back "home" for a visit.
    I wasn't aware of these great parties this week but may well try to join in if time allows.
    Happy Monday!

  26. wow!!!! you sure did a FABULOUS job!!!! i am so impressed!!!! sending hugs...

  27. Hi Ricki Jill, Great copy cat of the photo in Country Living British Edition. I love that magazine too.
    The pitcher of forsythia is lovely and a sure sign of spring here. I love your copy with your amazing collection of MacKenzie-Childs pictchers. Wow, they do make a beautiful vignette but when you add the pussy willow it really is gorgeous. Great copy!
    Happy Spring Ricki Jill.

    The French Hutch

  28. Pussywillow always means spring to me! Fantastic job, love, love, love!

  29. Good Morning Riki Jill Sweetie...
    Oh what a glorious share this morning. I love, LOVE your copy cat of the photo from Country Living.

    I love forsythias, always a sign of Spring yes? Your pitchers are just gorgeous. Thank you so much for the beautiful inspiring share this morning. I love your artistic eye for color, fashion and beauty.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  30. Beautiful Ricki, I like your's better also. The cover of that magazine is just Y.O.U.!! Love it. Perfect for Spring!

  31. Beautiful job, Ricki Jill. Love your pottery.

  32. Thanks for coming by and visiting my blog! Love this arrangement. Have a great week!

  33. Oh yah, you are good...real good. I can't wait for pussywillows! what a beautiful arrangement.

  34. What a great copy !! love the pussy willows too!

  35. Beautiful Ricki Jill, love your Mackenzie Childs collection and I like pussy willows a lot better than forsythia.

  36. It's perfect Ricki Jill. You did an awesome job "copy-catting" Hee, hee, hee...I love Debbie's Copy Cat parties, they are so much fun. Hope you are doing well.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  37. Amazing how easy it is to copy a look, if we just put our brains to work. Thanks for sharing.


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