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Literary Friday: Big Art, Small Canvas

Friday, February 24, 2012


I have been reading the best books lately, but some of them have been a wee bit inappropriate for my blog, and I have even put some of them down and stopped reading them.  It was difficult enough to write a post about Shantaram last week, so this week I am going to share a nonfiction book I have been enjoying: Big Art Small Canvas by Joyce Washor.

Washor is an artist who prefers small canvases, and I mean tiny:  3" X 4". She truly does an amazing job explaining the process of how to paint small. Her process begins with color theory and how to select subjects for still life paintings.  She even gives step by step instructions on how to set-up your own still life in your studio or work area.  

I have enjoyed this book so much, and I appreciate the practical advice. Washor even shares her best resources for framing!  I have ordered some frames, and I look forward to receiving them and framing my tiny canvases.  I will probably give these to Shanley for her apartment  My only complaint is her paint.  I use Gamblin paint exclusively, and she uses mostly Winsor & Newton.  The colors' names are not the same, so I had to wing it.  I do use Winsor & Newton brushes.  They are my favorite!

Using Washor's instructions, I painted two still life paintings:



I like the pitcher and vase in this one...not sure about the orange slice and the pepper.


The orb in front is an orange, the one in back is a yellow onion.  Two roses are in the foreground.

Can you believe that they are only 3" X 4"?  These are not the paintings I wrote about in yesterday's post.  I am working on two other larger canvases and I will share them when they are finished.  Next week, I will set-up a still life in my studio and try Washor's techniques.  

I might write about two or three books next week, one fiction and three nonfiction.  Next week's post will probably be long!

Have you read any good fiction lately?  Please share!

Linking to:


Until next time...

Happy reading!
Ricki Jill


  1. Wow they are beautiful. I can't believe they are that small. You should open up and etsy shop and sell your work.

  2. I love, love, love little art in big frames! These are gorgeous, Ricki Jill! What talent!

  3. I love these , beautiful, I love the style, color and composition,

  4. I just read "As I Lay Dying" by William Faulker. It was kind of a tough read but REALLY good!

    I love the face in that first single painting too. It almost looks transparent!

  5. i simply adore little art treasures in big fabulous frames! they speak to me : ) really they do!!! thanks for sharing and i loves this little pieces of joy! thanks for sharing : ) hugs...

  6. Beautiful art work, Ricki! I think I'll visit the Literary Friday site and participate, as I am an avid reader myself. Following you everywhere I can, my dear friend. I will be posting photos of some of my recent fiber art projects, as well as the art journal that I am working on, so I hope you will stop by to take a peek when you have a minute. Have a great Friday! Hugs, Nina @ mamas*little*treasures

  7. They are wonderful my friend! I love the backgrounds of your much color! ♥♥♥ I'm having a giveaway on my blog today! Hope you can stop by soon! Hugs! ♥♥♥

  8. I love the one with the little pitcher. I am amazed at anyone who can take some paint and a brush and make a picture look like what they are seeing. Have a great weekend.

  9. I've always loved drawing and painting on a very small scale, too.

  10. Excellent little pieces of art. It is not easy learning to paint small and at the same time, keeping it loose. You will love them when they are framed.

    I have read two interesting books about Hawaii by Alan Brennert. They are not new, so maybe you have already reviewed them. One is named "Molokai" and tells the story of the leper colony through the eyes of a 7 year old girl who is taken away from her parents and sent there. The other is called "Honolulu" and is the story of a young girl from Korea who becomes a "picture bride" to a man in Hawaii. Both are excellent and reveal a lot of Hawaiian history. Now, I am readying "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer. I saw the movie and was impressed with it and the book is even better.

  11. Wow Ricki Jill, I love your work. They are both beautiful.

  12. Oh my gosh I am amazed at people who are blessed with this sort of talent. You are truly an artist. These are lovely. Sorry to say I haven't read a book in years. I used to be an avid reader but I can't seem to concentrate anymore. I know I am missing out on a lot. Happy Weekend!

  13. I'm thrilled to have you recommend my book and show your work! As as artist I have often painted from other people's work but it is something else to see your own repeated!! Good Job!!

  14. Ricki Jill, these are beautiful Hard to believe they are so tiny. Your daughter is going to love them if you decide to hang them in her apartment.

  15. I just love getting book ideas from you. You got me so pumped up about The Outlander series that I decided I wanted to read them all again before the next one comes out. I was planning to get them at the library, but theirs were all the hardbound copies which I find difficult to hold. So while The Man & I were out & about today, we stopped at a Used Book Store & I was able to purchase 4 of the series -- the first 2 & 4 & 5. The shop owner said they are kind of hard to come by, so now I will be on the search. I'm so excited! Have you read any of the buzz on FB or anywhere else, about a possible movie(s). It's so fun to read who everyone would want to play the main characters. Anyway, have to finish some chores so I can go!

  16. Something so charming about these tiny paintings...really special. YOU make me feel like such a slacker about book reading...but I am encouraged to read more.

  17. YOU KNOW...the smaller, the more magical, for me. These are just beautiful my dear, just MAGNIFICENT!!!!!!! And your header....OMGOODNESS!!! LOVE IT ALL, and I thank you for your visit yesterday!! Anita

  18. Wow - those are beautiful! I have no concept on how to paint - can't draw a straight line with a ruler!!! I will recommend this book to my friend who did all the drawings/art in for Life in the Chesapeake and Life Along the Intercoastal - AJ Lippson - she has done several small pieces for fun.

    All the best for a great weekend and thanks for the tip on this book.

  19. You have stirred my curiosity now....I am wondering which books you had to stop reading! ;)
    I am reading the Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill right now.

  20. I want to buy one of these tiny sweet paintings!
    So cute and so well done.
    Love them.
    Haven't read anything fiction for a while,
    not since The Alchemist. Reading Love Languages
    right now!

  21. Amazing ... I just finished The Great Gatsby... LOVE IT!!! You were right... Jay Gatsby is so sweet... I wonder How Leonardo DiCaprio will do with that character??? Anyway we are reading Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott next...


  22. You're an ARTIST! I adore these small canvases~ beautiful little still lifes! They will make such a statement framed!


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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