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Cooking With Jazz

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mr. Art @ Home made another pretty frame from reclaimed antique pine that was submerged in Mobile bay at one time.  He made it to frame a fun New Orleans Cooking With Jazz poster for the kitchen.  I love it!


Sorry about the quality of the photo...the glass made it difficult!

There was not much cooking going on around here over the weekend.  But Mr. Art @ Home did bring home some crawfish from Rouses in New Orleans. We had many fun activities and functions, so it was crazy busy!  I will post about some of them tomorrow.  Today, I need to get caught up on work.  I will visit y'all tonight in between homework and watching Ben swoon over that crazy Courtney on The Bachelor.

What are you doing today?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I fear Crazy Courtney is just trying to get a big break and not a husband. Boo!

  2. How fun is this poster and love the "cooking with jazz". The frame is beautiful and I love all the colors!! Crawfish sounds wonderful too. I love crawfish and never get any. I miss the gulf! :o(

  3. I love that poster and Mr. Art @ Home is pretty wonderful . It is hard to photograph glass. I practically stand on my head to get shots for my shop. It's one of the reasons I don't sell more framed prints. The blood rushing to my head isn't good. Have fun with the bachelor. :)

  4. I love that photo! And the picture isn't that bad.

  5. Hi Ricki Jill,
    Your hubby did good. The print looks awesome in its new frame. Today we are expecting rain so I think I'll just stay home and get some house work done :-) Wishing you a wonderful new week.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  6. Wow, nice job on the frame! I'm impressed by Mr. Art's talent! Great poster, too.

  7. What a fun poster that is and the frame is gorgeous! The crawfish sound yummy too!


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