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Word of the Year Link Party @ The Lettered Cottage

Monday, January 16, 2012

Layla is hosting a Word of the Year Link Party at The Lettered Cottage.  I think it is a great idea, and I hope you will consider joining the party.

My word for 2012:  PLAN


I have many goals I want to accomplish this year in my art, spiritual life, and fitness.  The only way I will be able to reach my goals is through planning.  I am a list maker, and if I plan my time, I should be able to achieve my goals.


I am already organizing my life on my iPad, which is helping.  I have also enrolled in a healthy cooking/menu planning class for February.  I also have a pretty good weekly schedule for me, and Shelley's after school schedule is manageable for both of us.

What is your word for 2012?  Please link-up and join in on the fun!

The Lettered Cottage

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Okay now that word sounds like a good one to me:)


  2. Great word. I have to plan ahead or I don't know what I am doing at all.

  3. That's a great word, especially for us list-makers!

  4. Oh boy, I have to do that....all the time...but I really do not like it! Sometimes my plans lead me away from the more spontaneous side of life....but I do get the necessity!

  5. I've looked forward to joining this party so I put my thinking cap on today and chose my word! I like yours, too! I love making plans and you always inspire me! ♥

  6. Great choice. I think planning makes all the difference. I always feel so much better about things when I'm prepared!

  7. Your word is a great onem as I keep forgetting about it when I dream of PROGRESS!

  8. Planning is definitely good. I think I want to achieve.

  9. I love your word! And I love how you're making progress toward your goals. Great job!


  10. "Plan" is a good word. I think last year my word was "purpose" as I hoped to find one again...seems I've been a bit lost. I can't exactly say that happened, although maybe my purpose was simply taking care of other people I love. This year...I think my word might be "regroup"! I feel as if I've lost myself a bit with all of the family things. I need to get my life, my health and my mind all in order again. That will be a huge task:)

  11. Plan-I like that! Mine is organize-house mind life-lol Following you from Laylas-Stop by for a visit!


Comments are friendly!

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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
