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My Happy List #41

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I do not have a long list this week, but that does not mean that I am not very happy.  I am happy.  But there are two things that have made me extra happy this week, and they are both making snack time fun.

My Happy List

1.     Amy's gluten free shortbread cookies are fantastic!  They are made with organic almond flour and are only 90 calories each.   I can have two cookies with tea and have a delicious snack under a 200 calories.  Shortbread I can eat makes me happy!


2.     Starbucks has two new Blonde roasts called Veranda and Willow.  They were giving away free samples of  the Veranda last Thursday, and I tried it.  I love the Veranda roast, and I will definitely brew it at home when I want something lighter than Cafe Verona.  Free coffee makes me happy!  Check out the video here.


Has anyone tried the Willow blend?  

Join Mamarazzi @ Dandelion Wishes, and share your happy!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Yum on those cookies. Sound so good with that coffee.

  2. Those cookies look good, what a treat! I have not tried the Willow blend. Is it good? Have a happy day!!

  3. I sampled the Willow blend, but not the Veranda. I am not a big light coffee (or light beer) fan, but it was quite smooth and had zero aftertaste. Yay for free coffee!

  4. I love those gluten free shortbread cookies. Haven't had any lately, but I will be putting them on my shopping list. :)

  5. i haven't tried it but the name is lovely, enjoy your cookies, its hard to find good boughten gluten free cookies!

  6. Oh, those cookies look delicious and sorry to say I haven't tried the Starbucks coffee. Keep enjoying your treats!!

  7. I love almond!
    Truthfully, I really don't like Starbuck's coffee because it bothers my stomach....

  8. mmmm, if I wasn't dieting I would try those cookies. (When I was sick 3 weeks with a cold I gained 6 pounds!! from not walking and from over eating!!!).....I like the stronger coffee that starbucks makes so I doubt if I will try a milder version!

  9. Shortbread is one of my weaknesses. I don't keep it in the house. I enjoyed your post. Doylene

  10. Wow starbucks is giving away freebies in your place, Great! Something we don't have in the Philippines. :)
    Wishing you more happiness

  11. mmm shortbread...i love love love the stuff!!

    thanks for linking up my friend!


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