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My Happy List #38

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


We are finally getting back into a routine after the Christmas Holidays, and I could not be happier!  I am also feeling so much better after my bout with food poisoning.  Health and routine are such blessings!

My Happy List

1.     Tornadoes ripped through our state on April 27, 2011; one devastated Tuscaloosa.  The University of Alabama community rallied behind those affected, especially our football team. They humble me, and they truly are champions, both literally and figuratively.  Alabama football always makes me happy, especially when we win.  The Crimson Tide shut out LSU 21 - 0 for the BCS National Championship.  This is the Crimson Tide's FOURTEENTH National Championship. 


Roll Tide!

I could end my happy list right here.....{but I won't}.....   :D

2.     I won a sweet giveaway from Katherine's Corner.  Winning giveaways always makes me so very happy!  I think the Santa salt and pepper shakers are so cute, that I want to decorate my kitchen table around them next Christmas!  Don't laugh; I was so overwhelmed during the holidays that I am already putting together a folder for Easter, Halloween, and Christmas 2012!  *thank-you, Katherine*



3.     I am enjoying the milder weather this winter in spite of the rain.  I am taking more walks, and everyone's pansies are looking so pretty...even ours! Mild weather makes me happy! January is our coldest, rainiest, foggiest, and cloudiest month of the year here in Central Alabama, so the mild temps are making January so much more bearable.  



What is making you happy this week?  Join Mamarazzi @ Dandelion Wishes, and share your happy!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. What a cute idea - A Happy List. Here's one I'll share: I had a great birthday yesterday, and I get to spend next week with my daughter/blog partner in cold Syracuse. We are going to paint her kitchen cabinets - yippee.

  2. I'm so proud of Bama too. What a game. Congratulations. I'm loving this mild weather also. Our trees are so confused that a lot of them have buds on them. I've also been walking everyday I'm not working. Have a great day.

  3. Yes, that was a STRANGE GAME if you ask me!! I am enjoying the milder winter too. However, during one windy WINDY day, my pansies got blown over and it tipped the soil right out of the pot. The pansies were partially damaged but they are trying to hang in there. It might be because I accidently purchased them in orange and purple which are Clemson colors, lol. I am doing a thankful list too (1,000 gifts thing by Ann V.) at my nannykim's place blog. Have a good day!

  4. Your Happy List is a nice one this week. My husband has been watching the football games...such a love for the sport. What a sweet giveaway gift you received. What makes me happy right now is going shopping. I hope I find some Valentine goodies. I LOVE Valentine's Day, Ricki Jill!
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  5. Those salt and pepper shakers are adorable. Winning is so much fun.

  6. Congrats on the win!!!
    I know you were doing the happy dance after that game :)

  7. Yay! I'm glad you're feeling better, and have more decor to play with. :)

  8. I love the little expressions on those Santa Shaker's faces. Soooo cute. Those pansies are lovely, I can't wait until Spring!

  9. I'm happy you're feeling better! How's that? :)

  10. Congratulations on the Crimson Tide!

    The warmer weather here in Iowa has me so worried. No hard freeze means more bugs in the summer for gardens and farmers. I also just noticed 3 tulips starting to come through. Worried I will not have any tulips come spring because winter is still going to hit, I just know within 2 days 4 inches...poor tulips.

    Love the pansies though! :)

  11. Congratulations on your giveaway win. The warmer temperatures have been nice but they sure do feel strange for January.

  12. cool giveaway win!! loving the mild weather we are having here too. it is 74 and clear today, gorgeous, feels like Spring!


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