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How I Am Spending My Day

Monday, January 2, 2012

Laundry.  And *LOTS* of it.



I have unpacked, and now the fun begins.  We have so much laundry that it won't fit in the laundry room, so I have sorted it all in the dining room.  My family has abandoned me to this task, which is fine.  I am hoping to blog hop and get the laundry done tonight before Ben's Season of The Bachelor starts tonight.  The Bachelor and The Bachelorette are the only shows Mr. Art @ Home never misses.  They are his guilty pleasures!  :/


In spite of the laundry, it is nice to be home.  We had a great vacation, but it is hard to travel with teenagers who are whining about not being able to talk/text their friends/boyfriends due to no cell service.  Plus the internet was uncooperative, too, which totally compounded the problem because Skype wasn't an option, either.  Oh, the horrors!!!   ;P  But I must admit, I was upset about the internet almost as much as the children.  I have missed reading your posts and my emails;  I have so much reading to catch up on today.

Since I did not get to post much during the vacation, I will write a long post about the trip at some point this week.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I'm so glad you made it home safe and sound! I hope you took lots of photos! Enjoy your week...we'll all still be here when you can visit! Well...I am 'barely here'! lol My computer crashed while you were out there vacationing and having fun! heehee! Enjoy your week! ♥♥♥

  2. Ah, home sweet home. I have to laugh about the laundry, though (sorry), because of how all of that works here. We have a laundry chute from the second (bathroom) and first (kitchen) floors to the basement laundry room. Daughter who lives on the third floor carries her laundry to and from the basement. It is often that more laundry arrives in the basement when I am washing laundry. My reaction always is, "Oh, boy! More dirty laundry!!!!" After all these years, they KNOW I am kidding. Seriously, I don't mind doing laundry. It's one of those things that I can do while I am waiting for the bread to rise or the dishwasher to finish drying the dishes. ;)

    Welcome home and Happy New Year. We'll be taking down the tree tonight. :)

  3. Wowzers. I don't mind doing laundry normally, but those piles are intimidating! I find those cell-and-internet-less vacations are the best. I get twitchy for the first 48 hours, but then I spend so much time in the present....I'm glad it was good for you, even without the distraction of blogs. ;)

  4. Welcome back home. Glad your trip was good, but I know it's good to get back home, but... all that laundry!! YIKES!! Happy New Year!

  5. This will be what is on my agenda what we finally go home on Wednesday. being gone for over 2 weeks is a lot of laundry. if i was smart i would have done some while i was here...but nope, too busy playing!

    welcome home!

  6. I am doing the same thing right now. Quinn had no undies this morning poor thing. The holidays put us behind in laundry too. Glad you are home safe but had a good time. How fun to vacation over Christmas and get away like that.

  7. Welcome back and hope you had tons of fun! But seriously, deep down, isn't that laundry sort of nice? It's a sign of family and fun!

  8. Even with the whining teens, it sounds like you had a great trip!!
    Glad your back!

  9. I almost forgot about doing laundry since pj's have beenthe wardrobe of choice for the past few days! Welcome back!

  10. I agree with Daniella, sounds like a great trip!

  11. Welcome back! Glad you got home safely. The laundry is the always the worst part of going away.

  12. I am looking forward to hearing all about it!! I am glad that our kids were young and there was no internet when we went on family vacations. It was bad enough hearing them whine about missing their friends!

    I hear you on the laundry...mine is never really caught up. With the holidays and then having a wretched cold. It is all backed up. It's a never ending job!

    Welcome home!!


  13. Happy homecoming. Enjoy those menories

  14. Glad you had a great vacation. It's so funny how technology has changed our lives. We had a similar trip in 2011 to Tennessee. I was looking forward to being in the mountains in a cozy cabin, but when the whole family couldn't connect after hiking and sightseeing being shut up in the cabin was not fun. Glad you are back. Looking forward to your 2012 post.

  15. OMG it sounds like a totally archaic vacation LOL! Actually it sounds wonderful! I forgot the bachelor was on tonight, I can't believe the Mr watches LOL


  16. Welcome back! Now go tackle that laundry!

  17. Good to hear that you're back on terra firma and hooked up once again, just don't disappear under all that laudry, will you!

  18. Happy New Year Ricki Jill! I think we all need a break from the Internet from time to time. Sounds like a good break, and with family even better.

  19. We are just settling back in from vacation too! So nice to get away, but always nice to be back home...except for catching up! Taking down Christmas and yes...LAUNDRY!
    Hope you are having a great week!


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