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Goals for 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

Master Bath Redo

I had this as a goal last year, but we did not get around to it.  This year we are going to have to address it whether we want to or not.  We need to strip the wallpaper and paint.  I would like a new tub, sinks, and countertops keeping the existing cabinetry.

Here are some inspirational pictures for our master bathroom:



Both photos are from BH&G.  I see several common elements in both photos, and I hope we can incorporate all of them into our master bath redo.

1.  This year we must redo our master bathroom!

Art Goals

I want to spend more time painting, but it has proven difficult lately because we do not have great lighting in the art studio (yet).  In the summer and autumn I have plenty of light until late in the day, but not in the winter.  I still cannot decide on the type of overhead lighting, but I have a few looks that I am considering.  I really like these lights from Terrain:


2.  We need to purchase and install some overhead lighting in the art studio.

3.  I would also like to take a palette knife workshop.  :D

I have some other goals that I will reveal at a later date.

Healthy Lifestyle

I have been getting in shape, and I would like to learn how to better plan and prepare healthy meals.  

4.  I will be taking a cooking and menu planning course this year that should be very informative and fun.  I am looking forward to it!

I will be reading French Women Don't Get Fat, and The French Women Don't Get Fat Cookbook.  Since my course focuses on a Mediterranean lifestyle, I think the these books will supplement the course well.



5.  I plan to cook all the recipes from the books.

Stay tuned...this should be very interesting!  :D

Have you made any resolutions or set any goals for 2012?  I want you to share them with me!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Wonderful post...beautiful images..gorgeous! Very inspiring..and magical! Lovely books too!
    Wishing you a magical 2012!

  2. These are wonderful goals that I have no doubt you will achieve.

    I love, love, love the lights and think they are definitely "you".

  3. Those are some nice bathrooms! Can't wait to see yours.

  4. Those are nice goals, Ricki. I love the second bathroom, dare I say it would be my dream bath.
    Thank you for a year of art, and inspiration, as well as your kind support, hugs, tami

  5. Those are nice goals, Ricki. I love the second bathroom, dare I say it would be my dream bath.
    Thank you for a year of art, and inspiration, as well as your kind support, hugs, tami

  6. Oh I envy you re-doing your bath. We gutted one about 8 years ago and I love it but the other needs it so badly. Alas it is not high up on the list right now so it will be several more years before we can do it.

  7. Just curious, do you already have the tub? I have resolved to TRY this year...whatever, whenever. I know that soiunds lame, but while I do get a lot done at times, I also very often quit before I even begin.

  8. Your Master bath will be gorgeous. I love the bead-board and light blue tones.

    I love to paint with the palette knife, you can let yourself go or do wonderful small strokes. When you go to the art supply Ricki Jill you will see all shapes and sizes of palette knives.

    Lastly I have been meaning to read the French Women Don't Get Fat" book for some book list is growing be leaps and bounds!

    Art by Karena

  9. When you are done with the ensuite, will you rent the room out so we can all enjoy it? Chuckle! Lovely elegant changes Ricki Jill. We used bead board in our main bath & also our laundry room ... love it.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  10. sounds like you are feeling much better, YAY!!
    Oh a master bath redo would be a dream.
    Love the photos of inspiration!
    I don't set resolutions, it is too much of let down
    instead I live day to day and do what I can in a day that is not over the top, then I go to bed feeling accomplished :)

  11. Hi Ricki Jill, I love the inspiration photos for your MB. Beautiful, and I love the plank floor and claw foot tub in the second pic. I need to do this too but probably won't happen this year. I need to do some renovating in the kitchen first. I am thinking about how to keep more healthful menus in our lives too. Hope you'll share your new recipes after your class.
    Do you have big plans for tonight? We are keeping it low key since it's Monday. A big Roll Tide?

    The French Hutch

  12. Can I come over and have some amazing French and Mediterranean dishes in your light, airy, happy new bathroom? :)

  13. Those are fantastic goals, and those bathrooms are BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to buy a place so that I can decorate and paint and all of that fun stuff however I want!

  14. That cooking class sounds so good. I would love to take some classes. Good luck on the Master Bath redo, I know it will turn out fabulous!! So glad to see you back!

  15. I would love to take some cooking classes. Have fun doing the master bathroom. It feels like spring outside. One of my goals is to get back into painting. Supplies are on my list for this coming weekend.

  16. Hi Ricki Jill,
    Wonderful goals...I hope you share some pictures when your master bath is done and I cannot wait to see more of your beautiful paintings...Hope you are feeling better today. Wishing you an awesome new week.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  17. Good luck on the bath remodel. I would love to have a bigger tub in ours, not room for that. I will be posting some of my expectations for the new year later this week.

  18. That's true. When the girls traveled, their favorite food was from Paris. They said it was amazing, but for some reason the French don't get fat. Maybe all the walking they do to get around.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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