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Food Poisoning

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I got food poisoning Tuesday afternoon after eating at a Mexican restaurant. Mr. Art @ Home took me to the doctor this morning, and I hope the shots and prescriptions will help because I have been in so much pain that I have not been able to sleep.  I have not been able to eat anything but a few Cheerios.  If you have any suggestions of anything I can do to help recover from this, please share.  

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. oh no!!!
    My friend got food poisoning last year.
    Unfortunately, there is nothing but let it run its course. She had to go for three days straight to get IV's because she was so dehydrated from the lack of fluids.
    It lasted 7 days...hope yours goes by fast.
    Feel better soon

  2. So sorry! I've never had it but sure hope you get to feeling better...SOON!

  3. Cara Ricki mi dispiace!Segui quello che ti dice il dottore,un po' di pazienza e pian piano passerĂ !Un abbraccio,Rosetta

  4. So sorry Ricki Jill but having been there it just has to take its course. It is a miserable issue to deal with. Get well soon, sweetie.
    TTFN ~

  5. Try to keep hydrated IF you can. Take your time. Like the Dr. told me, If you dont put it in, it wont come back out!" Light even hurt me, and the muscle aches! Hope you are well soon!

  6. I hope you feel better soon. If you have nausea, tea with little ginger in it is good for the stomach.

  7. OH NO! That really is so miserable! It usually has to just get through your system...which I know won't make you feel any better. Drink lots of water or even hot tea so you won't get dehydrated. I'll pray for you, my friend. I know how terrible that can be! I'm so sorry you are sick! Hugs, Diane

  8. Hope your prescriptions will help you sleep some and ease the pain some. I thought I'd die the one time I had it. I hope you recover quickly, it's an evil thing!!

  9. Dear Ricki Jill,
    Will say a prayer for you my friend that this passes real quick. Every one has such good advise..hang in there...

  10. Oh you poor thing! I do not think I ever had food poisoning...but my friend did. All I remember is that she drank and drank ginger ale by the gallons. She could not eat a thing for two whole days! Her poisoning was from take out chicken......
    Be better soon....sending a prayer your way.

  11. A great way to drop those holiday pounds ;)

  12. Oh no! Sorry to hear that Rikki! Hope you feel better soon!!! :)

  13. I have heard of people sipping water with apple cider vinegar in it, google that because I know at the health food store thye really say it will help, I hope you feel better soon, not a nice way to start the year, take care,

  14. Oh Ricki, I'm so sorry! I really hope you are feeling better soon.

  15. Oh No! I am so, so sorry! Like everyone else said, it just takes time to run its course. try to stay hydrated if you can, even though it tasts aweful, pedialyte or ensure help replace electrolytes which helps. If not, there is always Gatorade, that helped me. Here's hoping and praying for a speedy recovery!

  16. Been there, done that. It's not fun. I didn't know there was anything that could help other than to let it get out of your system. It will pass soon. Though you will feel that a truck ran over you.

  17. Oh no, this is not fun. Certainly the need to hydrate yourself is a big one and I would even try the tea with ginger as suggested in an earlier comment. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  18. Oh I feel your pain! I had food poisoning last summer from a chicken salad sandwich. It just has to run it's course...but yours does seem to be hanging on. Glad you have seen the dr. Rest is the best thing to do...

  19. Oh that sounds just awful. I am so sorry. It is way beyond the stomach bug that went through here but we flatten the generals by stirring it up until the bubbles subside. Speedy recovery wishes!

  20. Oh poop! (Sorry) You just have to stay hydrated, they could run an IV in the Dr's office. I hope the Dr or you reported the restaurant to the health department! Sips of water. Let us know how youa re doing


  21. hydrate,hydrate, hydrate. I'm so sorry sweetie. Hang int here . Prayers and hugs coming your way xo

  22. Oh my friend ~ so sorry! I had typhoid when I was living in the Middle East. I was miserably ill for months. Food poisoning is not as serious, but what I learned was to stay hydrated and be very careful with solid foods. I drank as much water as I could tolerate after the IV's were removed. With the help of a wonderful doctor from India, I progressed very slowly to broth and then added rice and apple sauce . I think the key is to introduce solid foods very slowly. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  23. Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry! Traditional food poisoning should only be violent intestinal illness for about 24 hours- this sounds much worse! :(
    Hydration is super important. If you can stand it, some Gatorade (or coconut water) so you get electrolytes in addition to water. Good luck!

  24. Activated charcoal tablets help. Hope you're better.

  25. You poor dear! Happened to me once after a blue cheese dressing. No suggestions I'm sorry but just sympathy and prayers! Feel better soon.

  26. That doesn't sound good at all, poor you!
    I have no advice to offer, just best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  27. Poor baby. Wish there was some way I could help. I'll only wish you well and hope it passes sooner that later.

  28. Oh Ricki Jill,
    I am so sorry to hear that you are not doing well. Please get plenty of rest...Don't know how you feel about home remedies, but my mom always gave us Yerba Buena Tea (Mint Tea) for upset stomachs...It is very tasty and always seems to help. Hope you are feeling better soon my sweet friend. Sending you a big get well soon hug.


  29. Oh no, how horrible. I'm hoping that your visit to the doctor will have helped significantly by now. Please feel better soon and let us know how you are doing.
    Carole (Stapes)

  30. Oh no how horrible. I have no ideas as I have never had it before but I am hoping you are already feeling better. Watch for dehydration though.

  31. Sorry for you! My hubby had it one time and he was violently sick every 30 minutes. Hope you don't get dehydrated!


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