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What's Blooming this Fall in Our Garden

Thursday, October 27, 2011

This is probably the last of my hydrangea blossoms.


Our roses are a little bit more hardy, so they will probably continue to bloom for another month, and then go dormant for about three months.


We finally have our first camellia blooms!  :D


What's blooming in your garden?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. My garden is done for the year. I probably could have kept the container plants on my porch going, but I kept putung it off until it was too late.

  2. Beautiful Ricki! You did a great job with your garden! Hydrangeas are my very favorite! My pots are still thriving. I've got lots of herbs still going strong in the garden, but everything else is done! Already had to bring a few things inside because we've a couple of nights in the mid 30's! All your flowers are georgous.

  3. Ricki,ancora hai le ortensie?Qui in Italia non ci sono piu'.Bellissimi i tuoi fiori.Nel mio terrazzo ho ciclamini,erike,begonie,viole del pensiero,crisantemi.Baci,Rosetta

  4. Sooo pretty Rikki! It must be wonderful to have a green thumb. Even if something was blooming here, I wouldn't know the name of it, lol. Was thru your neck of the woods the other day.

  5. Gorgeous Ricki! I have hydrangea too, in North Carolina, although we did get a freeze which turned part of them brown. I also had some confused flowers that should be blooming in the spring.

  6. Wow Ricki! Your flowers are so beautiful! My garden needs some new flowers here in Jamaica but the red ginger lilies, roses etc. welcome the rain we have been getting this month after a long hot summer. Take care and have a good Thursday.

  7. I adore Hydrangeas! I carried yellow ones in my wedding bouquet.

  8. I have those same roses in my yard! I LOVE them. Mainly because I haven't been able to kill them yet! ;)

  9. Very beautiful, I love flowers.
    I still have Knock-Out Roses blooming, and Zinnias and Mums... however, I think it will freeze or frost here soon.

  10. Hi Ricki - thanks for your comments on - I laughed at your story about the deer chase! We also live in with woods on both sides of our property and if Julep and Derby ever got off the fenced deck - they would be history - these westies are so prey driven there is no stopping them!

    Our garden is pretty much asleep at the moment - and the leaves are slowly starting to change, then fall.

    Have a nice Halloween,

  11. We are having snow showers today, freezing temps are on the way with icy roads ahead. My garden has no blooms but some dusty miller that needs to be cut down. I would rather have what you have in your you want some snow? I'll!

  12. Blooming? Ummmm....nothing? Actually my mums are still hanging in there, as is a few hydrangeas & my Italian parsley. It was 38 degrees last I knew. It's supposed to hit 27 degrees tonight, so that'll pretty much be the end of everything until April!

  13. We have roses too, but the blossoms are so tiny.... I need to find out what causes that! Your garden is so pretty. :) Still wish we could grow hydrangea here...


  14. I get it...I have the most gorgeous blooms in my garden here in Orlando too! Yours are gorgeous!


  15. What beautiful flowers and gorgeous photos! We had a few azalea blooms and yesterday we saw an iris blooming at the Arboretum...that seemed odd! ♥

  16. Pretty, our hydrangeas are blooming but snow is the forecast for tomorrow!! So I'm going to pick them. Have a great weekend.

  17. Such pretty flowers. All the flowers around here are fading away because the cooler Fall weather is coming, but I love to watch the leaves turn color during this wonderful season.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  18. I haven't really seen pictures of camellias before. They are such pretty flowers. I'm surprised how late in the year they decide to bloom, though!


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