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We want to Know Wednesday #8

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


This week's questions are from Queso!

1. Do you shop til you drop, or are you in and out as quick as possible?
I hate to shop, so I literally map out a plan and get my shopping done as soon as possible!

2. Are you a price conscious shopper?
Yes.  But I am also careful of bargains because I don't want to buy something just because it is on sale.  I always ask myself if I would be willing to pay full price for it (In other words: do I really like it that much).  If the answer is yes, I will buy it.

3. What store could you spend HOURS in? 
Barnes & Noble

4. What is the most frivolous purchase you have ever made?


Notice the ridiculously tiny little brush?

Don't tell Mr. Art @ Home, but I actually bought Clinique's Bottom Lash Mascara.  :/   Please do not unfollow me due to my stupidity.  I had a short circuit in my brain that day!

5. What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
LOL oddly enough, it was Clinique's Naturally Glossy Mascara in Jet Black.  I bought it on Monday!  {I bought the bottom lash mascara back in May, I think.}

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I love your answer to #2. I so wish I would remember to do that when I see something on sale.

    My daughter (reading over my shoulder) agrees with Barnes & Noble...she could spend hours in there too!

  2. Interesting Q and A. I think #2 is such good advice. I actually find it difficult to purchase make-up as you don't want to try it out on your face so you don't really know if it will work until you have paid the price.

  3. lol we all make mistakes ;)
    I never even knew that they made such a thing.
    Oh I could shop all day everyday, never can get tired of it. Its a sickness ;0

  4. bottom lash kill me. i am also so with you on #2...i won't just buy it because it is a good deal. but i also go in with my own price point and won't go over even if i super love it.

    thanks for linking up!!

  5. hate to shop unless it's for Art supplies
    I'm with you on #2
    Art Store or Book Store
    A Stonehenge Pencil and pencil Sharpener at Stonehenge, because I didn't want any of the touristy stuff....still living it down with the hubby ;)

  6. I'm telling LOL! I use to be in and out of stores, i never shopped, but now that I am not working I totally enjoyed wandering stores from time to time


  7. You are too funny. I've never seen the bottom lash thingy! Does it work? If so, then it's not so silly!

  8. I also hate to shop!! That's why I do most of it on the computer!!
    Love your answers!

  9. Great questions! I'm a shop till I drop kind of person if I'm in Paris, but not otherwise. I like to shop small, unique boutique type shops. I never shop in malls, unless they are filled with antique booths.
    Love your sense of humor. ~ sarah

  10. MERCY, GIRL...I didn't know they MADE the ting for bottom lashes...that's pretty awesome and not silly at all. I LOVE bottom lashes..:))

    Love to shop for things for the house...hate to shop for clothes, and usually get down next to NEKKED before going to buy clothes.

  11. tee hee, it's good to pamper yourself once in a while Ricki! ;-) Though I have a confession to make, I don't know how to use a mascara. I need someone to apply one to me.

  12. lol clinique is your weakness!! and that tiny brush is hilarious!! i had no clue they even made bottom lash mascara! :) thanks for playing!

  13. Yes, I love to shop, but I don't like the crowds, so I go early in the morning when they open. One of my favorite places to shop is Pier 1 Imports. They have alot of cool things in there. Oh, and don't feel bad. I still buy Clinique face make-up. Loved the fun question post today.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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