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We Want to Know Wednesday #7

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It is time to play:  We Want to Know Q&A Wednesday
Hosted by Mamarazzi and Alicia aka Queso


Queso is asking the questions this week and she want's to know...

{1} If you had an extra hour to do ANYTHING for yourself each day what would you do?

I would either paint or read, depending on what stage I have completed on the painting.  I am much better finishing paintings than starting them, so if I am working on finishing details, definitely paint.  If not, read!

{2} Are you a morning person or a night owl?

I am definitely a morning person!  I love mornings.

{3} How much sleep do you get on an average night?

Eight hours.

{4} When do you find the time to blog/surf the ol' interweb?

I usually blog early in the morning before my family is awake, and late in the afternoon during homework time and before dinner.

{5} What is the ONE thing you're never too busy for?

I am never too busy to help one of my daughters with academics.  Never ever.

I like this linky party, too  :D

Just a couple of reminders:

Please check out my Holiday with Matthew Mead Giveaway here.

Mamarazzi has moved her My Happy List party to Tuesdays!  Check out the link here.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Yay! Another morning person. See? They're not all bad, mornings.

  2. great list! You're a good mum,,

  3. I love mornings, too! My GIVEAWAY is up and running! Stop by when you can! Hugs! ♥

  4. HI RJ! Love learning more about you! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Can't say I love mornings, but I do like the 20 or so minutes of quiet me time I get in the mornings.

  6. Great list, it's always interesting to learn how others spend their days.

  7. I got up early this morning to read! It was heavenly...and I had that cup of coffee that I wanted yesterday!

  8. Great list. I;m a morning person too. Wish I could say I get 8 hours of sleep...Big Hugs, please stop by tomorrow and linkup for the Thursday Favorite Things Blog hop. :-)

  9. Total silence
    usually 9 - 10 required
    As often as I can neglect my other duties
    To love a child, to give to a child

    Love learning more about our friends.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  10. Total silence
    usually 9 - 10 required
    As often as I can neglect my other duties
    To love a child, to give to a child

    Love learning more about our friends.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  11. helping kids with their school work is so important! and you're right, there's always time to stop and help them. and i love that you're a morning person! i can function in the morning but i'm just happier at night :) thanks for linking up!

  12. So nice to know more about you, Ricki..Christine

  13. I am a morning person, too...I get more done then, than all day long!


  14. helping the girls with their homework...yep yep, i am with you there!

    i wish i was a morning person. i feel like i would get more done in the day...but my body HATE the morning and makes me sick if i try to do much before 9am. lame.

    thanks for linking up!!

  15. Good job helping the girls with their homework! I'm looking forward to that when mine get a little older. :)

  16. Apart from the painting all my answers would be the same. Boy are we alike. No painting talent whatsoever.

  17. I hope you're feeling better, Ricki Jill. I enjoyed your answers to the We Want To Know questions. You're a good mom and I know your girls are so grateful for your support. I don't know if I'm a morning person or a night owl. I do fine with both but drag in the afternoon - I'm definitely not an afternoon person!

  18. Love your WWTK, questions and answers always good.Me too, morning is my time of day. I know what kind of mom you are, terrific! Hope your feeling better. Big day Saturday.

    The French Hutch

  19. I like mornings ~ but I am totally out of it in the morning. When I sleep ( I sometimes have insomnia) I am in such a deep sleep that it takes me a very long time to become coherent. Although, some might say that I am never completely coherent! Love your answers!!

    Susan and Bentley


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