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*GREAT NEWS* about My Happy List!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I am so happy that Mamarazzi from Dandelion Wishes has moved her My Happy List Linky Party to Tuesdays.  To celebrate the move, Mamarazzi is giving you a chance to win a $25 Target gift card if you link-up to her party.  I am hopeful more of you will participate now that the party has been moved because I know many of you do not blog on the weekends.


Got to *love* the new button!

This party means so much to me because it is important to focus on the positive, even though our world is in a terrible state.  We are all facing adversities and challenges right now, but we do not need a defeatist attitude. There is power in positive thinking!

My Happy List

1.   I am so proud of both of my children.  Both are working very hard in school, and both are creative.  Shelley has been working on some Manga pictures in our art studio.  This one is not quite finished, and I think she will be a vampire once she colors her eyes red.  I love it when my daughter creates in the studio!  It makes me so happy!


2.   I am either coming down with a cold, or I have caught my older daughter's strep throat.  But I am thankful I can stay home today and rest.  I am getting cozy on our sofa,


and reading a very good book today while drinking some hot (as I can stand it) tea.  Having a day to relax makes me very happy!


3.   I am doing a little bit of autumn/Halloween decorating today.  I will probably share the decorations with you on Thursday because I do not know if I will finish decorating today. Seasonal decorating always makes me happy!


What is making you happy today?  Will you join Mamarazzi and share your happy?  Will you support this linky party when you can?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Buona giornata di relax in casa!Baci,Rosetta

  2. now thats a whole lot of happiness, I can't join this week but I sure will next week!!

  3. Super happy day here.
    It is cool out and Autumn has arrived with rain, YAY.
    I hope you get to feeling better soon,
    Are you really sick or are you just making an excuse to sit and enjoy a day of tea drinking and reading a good book, lol
    feel better soon.
    WOW you got some talent in your family!
    Her drawing is really awesome.
    Take care

  4. Wonderful list! Hope you feel better!

  5. I will definately check out the party! Hope your feeling better soon! Give me a shout out if I need to make up a big pot of home made chicken noodle soup and get it across the state line!

  6. i decorated for Halloween in September...i was having a blah day and decided it would make me HAPPY...guess what?? totally worked!

    thanks for your words about the happy important, especially in these trying times, to focus on the happy bits of our everyday life.

  7. I need to get some pictures together and join this! I love your list and there is nothing better than a good book and a cup of tea on a cool autumn evening!

  8. I love Shelley's drawing! She's so sassy! Cannot wait to see the final product. Hope you feel better soon! xxoo

  9. Awww...get your rest! My son just had strep throat too, not fun!

  10. I love a good book and a cup of something hot!

    Great list!

  11. Hi Ricki Jill,
    Sounds like a fun party...I'll have to run on over and check it out. Maybe I can join next week. Thanks for sharing. Have a beautiful day. Oh, and I hope you feel better soon.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  12. A day on the couch sounds great, but strep throat..I hope you don't have it. Today I am happy that after 2 hours in the Florida heat, crawling around tropical shrubbery and sweating, I have all of my landscape lights working again! Yea!


  13. I see that the artistic talent didn't fall far from the tree! Shelley's drawing is fantastic!

    Hope you feel better soon.

  14. I love this idea for a party. While I love decorating, recipes, etc, it's refreshing to discuss other ideas as well. I am all about being positive and I do believe that our intent influences our present and future. Count me in!

    Susan and Bentley


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