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Swapoween 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I am so happy to be participating in the 2011 Swapoween, hosted by Beth and Miss Angie!  This is my first ever swap, and I did not know what to expect.  Mamarazzi from the wildly popular blog, Dandelion Wishes, is my swap partner.  She went ridiculously overboard on all of the Halloween goodness she shared with me, and has probably spoiled me for all future swaps, LOL!  My kids had so much fun over the weekend baking cupcakes and decorating the house for Halloween.

Mamarazzi did an amazing job wrapping everything so cute for me!  I was so touched by the trouble she went to in making everything so festive.


Check out all this Halloween stuff!


I love the little signs.  Mamarazzi knows me very well:  I am a witch without my chocolate!


I love this black cat garland.  It looks great in our dining room!


Here are more dining room decorations.  I love the Spooky sign and blue spiders!



Eek!  Isn't this sign cute!


We baked chocolate cupcakes and decorated them with the kit Mamarazzi sent.  The kids loved this!



One of my favorites:  the pair of candy corn dish towels.  I love kitchen linens, and I didn't have a Halloween dishtowel, and now I have two!


Another favorite:  my Snoopy socks, but they are in the dirty clothes hamper!  ;P

Also, some of the treats seemed to have disappeared from the dining room.   :/    I bet they ended up in someone's dorm room, especially the delicious cider packets!  Yep!  

Thanks again to Miss Angie and Beth for hosting Swapoween.  This has been so much fun, and Mamarazzi made the experience so special to me.  She has gotten to know me through my blog, and her choices truly reflect who I am and what I like. Thank-you, Mamarazzi!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Yay what great tricks or treats.
    Really gets me in the mood to get the Halloween treats ready :)

  2. The cupcakes look great and those candy corn towels are adorable!!

  3. Everything looks great, thanks for sharing your package. I had never participated in a swap and it was certainly fun. I love seeing everyones gifts.
    I admore your cupcakes I know you and your child had fun. Thanks for sharing. Kathy

  4. Wow, so much fun! Mamarazzi always does a fantastic job! :) I LOVE it! :)

  5. Also, thanks for participating! :)

  6. What a fun package you received! Mamarazzi is so generous!

    Have a great day.

  7. I love really received so many fun things. I love the garland and the signs!! Your cupcakes are darling!! Your swap partner was very generous!! :-)


  8. So very cute! Mamarazzi put together a very generous package. How fun!

  9. The stuff in your package is very cool and the bits and pieces of your house shown in the photos are amazing! I love the photo at the top of your blog!

  10. You are one lucky lady my friend!! How fun!!!!
    I love the garland, and you know my favorite thing to say when something make me happy is

  11. Cute cupcakes! Looks like your package was full of awesome!

  12. You are a lucky girl! Looks like Mammarazzi was very generous....enjoy!

  13. Oh how fun it must have been to open all these wonderful treats!

  14. What a great idea and everything is so fun!! Have I told you how much I love your header! Dare I ask where you found those gorgeous white pumpkins?!

    Oh I have a Designer Pillows Giveaway! I hope you will join! ( a great resource as well)

    Art by Karena

  15. The new photo on the header looks awesome. My little guy has a Halloween birthday and I just love those cupcakes! I think I'll try to do some for his party- he'll love them!

  16. What great Hallowe'en treats. She did an amazing job of sending you a little fun. It's always fun when everyone in the family gets in on the action. Your girls did a great job decorating the house for trick-or-treating fun.

  17. how fun!! can i have a cupcake?? :)

  18. i am soooo glad that you enjoyed your spooktacular package. it was a lot of fun to put together for you. i especially loved wrapping everything...i am weird like that.

    the cupcakes look YUM and everything looks cute throughout your house.

    thank you for the lovely package in return, i love everything you selected for me...i just posted!!

  19. Everything looks so cute in your home! I am in love with all of those signs too! How cute!
    This swap was super fun!

  20. You girls just had too much fun with this! Love all your spooky goodies and just visited Hollee and she really racked up. The fasenator was so "her"! Looked like a lot of fun.

  21. You two BOTH did a great job!! FUN!!!! I love all the little signs she sent!

  22. Mamarazzi puts together the BEST swap packages! She got you some really cute stuff - love the blue sparkly spiders. LOL And you didn't do too bad yourself, missy!! Happy swapping.

  23. SWEET and Scary! :) How fun!


    P.S. are you doing "what we're reading" today?

  24. Mamarazzi's sister here...
    She sent me a glittery black cat garland too and I LOVE it!!! I have it hanging in a doorway and it makes me so happy. I officially want to cover everything in black glitter until Halloween. :) You sent her a great package! I want the white light up pumpkin! love it. What a fun swap!

  25. Awesome! I especially love the silver spooky sign with the blue spiders!

  26. Jess has that same SPOOKY sign, and I just love it! Your cupcakes look delicious, and I bet you all had fun making them. Your Halloween decorations are wonderful.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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