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Inspiration Board

Monday, October 17, 2011

I know many of y'all are on Pinterest, but I was wondering if y'all also have a physical inspiration board.  I keep mine in the art studio.  Sometimes my eyes need to rest on something other than my current project, so I find it helpful to have an inspiration board to give my eyes and brain a break.

I display ideas for projects, notes and cards from friends, Bible verses from my child's Sunday School Class, or anything else that inspires me or makes me smile.  Look carefully; you might see something that you have sent me ;P


My inspiration board is made up of an Ebay-found memo board made from printed burlap, string, and upholstery tacks.  I bought the tabletop easel from Exposures almost twenty years ago.






I keep a small bowl with push pins on my work table.

Please share with me what you display on your inspiration board!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. That is SO cool. I don't have an inspiration board (not even on Pinterest yet!) but I love the idea of it. maybe I'll start one. The most that I do is tack my favorite quotes about creativity on the wall by my art desk.

  2. Pretty cool, Ricki:)
    I need one of those in my office. I think it's always nice to have a visual, so often we use our computers for that, however to feel fabric, texture etc, so much more inspiring!

  3. Ricki,molto carino e colorato!Baci,Rosetta

  4. I adore your board. I've been looking for another one. I have one and it's almost full, but I don't want to remove anything so I want another one. Love the burlap.

  5. I don't do pinterest. I feel like 75% of my life is on this computer as it is!! I can't take another thing!!
    BUT, I do have an inspiration board!! It is so important to me to have that inspiration around me. Keep me on track, or keep me trying new ideas. I love it!!
    Your board is awesome!!! I'm inspired just looking at it!!

  6. Very pretty. I love the tacks too. We've got a memo board that we used at our old house. Haven't bothered to hang it up here.

  7. That's a GREAT looking inspiration board design! Love it!!

  8. i have one in my kitchen on it are the photos of my kids years ago with our first puppyin a red wagon under an apple tree, the tickets from my first outdoor concert, a recipe for the best homemade bread (my mums) a photo of a beautiful woodland fairy house, a magazine article about minimalists living by Zen Habits, a photo of a rainbow we took from our home on the lake.The results of my last brain scan, a painting my grandson did and the ribbon from daughters wedding, lol,, you asked,,i hope you have a great day!! I love your board its a beautfy!!

  9. Bravissima!
    I am not that organized!!

  10. Inspiring for sure! I have this sort of thing all over my office but not nearly as pretty.

  11. Your inspiration board is wonderful! The board itself is beautiful & then all you've added to it, makes it inspiring & pleasing to the eye as well.

  12. That is so very organized of you. I have inspiration but it ends up all over the house. I wish I were as organized as you.

  13. Wow, your inspiration board is so nice and organized. I have one too, but doesn't look as neat as yours. Hope you're feeling better my dear!

  14. That is some great inspiration board! I have a handmade bulletin board in my new Studio (my latest post) & it's almost bare right now, but not for long. I also have an Inspiration Book (here's the link:, & it's one of my favorite things.
    :) CAS

  15. Love your board! I don't pinterest or have an inspiration board per se...I use my refridgerator! LOL :)

  16. Ricki Jill,
    Yes, I do have an Inspirational Board. Yours is so cute. I have so many things on mine, but one of the things you might like. It is a DAISY made out of hard paper, and it reminds me of Daisy Cottage, the very first blog that I ever had the pleasure of looking at. I loved that blog and visited it every day. It is where I actually found you, my friend. I think it is a wonderful idea to have an inspirational board. Thanks for sharing yours.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
