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Brighten-up Your Kitchen for Autumn

Monday, September 19, 2011

Before all the autumn baking and preparations begin, why not add some color to your kitchen?  I love white kitchens, but I also like bright accessories that pop.  These are definitely on my Brighten-up My Kitchen Wish List:


I love the Susan G. Komen KitchenAid mixer from Williams-Sonoma.


The After My Own Heart spice rack from Mod Cloth is so cheerful it would make any baking chore fun.


I have always wanted a Dualit toaster, and this color is so pretty.


Of course I had to visit my mother ship for inspiration!  These pie bird salt and pepper shakers from MacKenzie-Childs are so cute with their bright yellow bills.


Don't you know I love this artist's palette egg tray from Anthropologie.


This apron from Pier 1 is too, too cute!


Ummmmmm......NO.  Not even for a Nespresso.....

.....but I do like the Nespresso Pixie in lime green.

Would you like any of these bright kitchen accessories in your kitchen? I might need the egg tray.  It would be great for serving deviled eggs, don't you think?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. The apron looks like a sun dress already. It's pretty. I love the hot pink mixer too. Have a great day Ricki!

  2. Great items! I love the mixer and the spice rack.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. ooo, I'm pretty sure I need the egg plate...too cute.
    AND, EVERYbody needs a hot pink standing mixer.:)

    The little black and white frame is just a frame but it made a fun post. :)

  4. I love the bright makes cooking and serving more fun! The egg tray is awesome!

    Have a great week!


  5. If I have to be in the kitchen I have to have color.
    My kitchen is filled with colors of Autumn all year round.
    It makes me feel cozy.
    But I would love a bright pink mixer too :)

  6. Yes!! Totally a deviled egg tray, and it is so you!!! I have one, and I might want to use paint that is ok for a plate to make it look like that~!
    Of course, I have to find it!!!

  7. I love everything! Love all the bright colors. The egg plate is adoreable. Looks totally like you!

  8. Oh that toaster is divine. Have a great week. Funeral today so I am sort of taking it easy. Quinn has her first ballet class this morning though so that should be sweet if not down right funny.

  9. Oh yeah I could do with some color like this,I need color,I love color,I want color in my kitchen.
    Let's do it!

  10. The egg tray would be great for deviled eggs, which I love! I also love the s&p shackers too!

    Thanks for showing us these really colorful products!

  11. I have to show those Nespressos to my daughter. She just bought one for her new flat. She had had one when she lived in Switzerland and was longing for one ever since she moved back to the states. We found one last month for half price in the color she wanted (gunmetal) and bought it on the spot! I'm not sure she would go for the jeweled ones either. Just a bit OTT!!!
    I just found your blog through Sarah at Hyacinths for the Soul. I added you to my Google Reader.

  12. Great pops of color. I love the toaster and the mixer.

  13. I would love any of them, especially that hot pink mixer!

  14. I love all these brightly colored items. I've been after a Dualit toaster for years...maybe one day.

  15. Such cute items, Ricki. Love the bright colors!...Christine

  16. Love them all!
    Pink goes with everything!

  17. Hi Ricki Jill,
    How awesome are all these? Just love the bright happy colors. I think I'm in love with the hot pink blender...I LOVE PINK! Just too cute.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  18. Lovely..what should I put on my Christmas list? I better make up my mind soon..I love everything!

  19. Hi pretty little RJ! Oh, what wonderful colorful things! I love the blender! I think I could use lots of these things!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  20. Oh my- I may just NEED some bling with my caffeine now. When the girls were little and had their friends over all the time everyone called me the glitter queen because we wanted sparkly everything.

    Love the bright colors- I go in stages, I had a red kitchen then a blue one then a yellow with red accents and if we ever get to it it will be a moonlit walls/dark dark counters and fiesta colored accessories.

  21. i'll have one of each, please :) is that even possible?!
    also, i wanted to tell you that you comment about my moving to asheville was super helpful. thanks so much for sharing. we know not ONE person there and have NEVER been ya, i'm a little freaked. but just knowing that other people think it's a great place is such a good feeling. thank you :)

  22. Love the colours of the mixer the spice rack and the toaster, these are the colours of my kitchen.


  23. Hi Ricki Jill,

    I just wanted to stop by and thank you for participating in the Sunflower Collection give-away over on the Cherished Treasures blog. Congratulations on being the winner. I will be mailing your collection out today so you should have it by Friday. I hope you will enjoy using all the items in it.

    Thanks again,
    Funkie Junkie Etsy Boutique

  24. A colored toaster! Brilliant! :D

    And that apron would be really easy to make. Ruffles are an easy and quick way to doll up an apron, so I'm a big fan. Hrm...that might make for a great Fall sewing project...

  25. Yes, definitely think you should get that deviled egg plate & the pie birds salt & pepper -- so you! I actually have one of those cute aprons, but mine came from Kirkland's. It says "Perk Me Up" with a coffee cup theme & all those cute ruffles. I love wearing aprons when I cook.
    :) CAS

  26. I love the egg platter, thats a beauty!

  27. I did my thing I bought a pink frying pan...Not quite an appliance, but I love it!


  28. They are pretty, but perhaps a bit too bright for my taste. I love the spice rack though.

  29. I love that egg tray!! It's so colorful. My kitchen has a flare of red in it - tea pot and rooster. I think it's nicer to cook in a kitchen when you have a spash of color in there, ya know? That spice rack is adorable. Jess would love that.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  30. I love the colors! I think the toaster is fun, but I keep mine in the cabinet. I got my mother-in-law's KitchenAid mixer...old and white, but I still love it. I always thought I'd get one of the colored ones, but in truth, I rarely use anything but my handmixer these days!


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