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Guest Post @ Hazel and Honeysuckle

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I wrote a guest post for Rissa @ Hazel and Honeysuckle.  Before y'all think I'm cuckoo for writing a post about hot chocolate, Rissa lives in Australia! Please stop by Rissa's blog and say "Hello!"


Rissa always has the cutest craft projects posted.  I adore her blog!  You might remember the adorable colored pencil pouch Rissa made for my daughter, Shelley.  You can see that post here.

Speaking of cuckoo, check out the clock I found boxed-up in our garage. Mr. Art @ Home's grandmother had it restored and boxed twenty-five years ago. I cleaned it, Mr. Art @ Home hung it, and it works!  I might make a short video of it next week and post it if I can figure out my camera!


It has a scary wolf on it!


Mr. Art @ Home's great grandfather brought it back from Germany.  It has a few nicks on it, but otherwise it is in pretty good shape.

I can't decide whether I love it or hate it.  I do think it is a wee bit creepy with the wolf on it. Cuckoo clocks with animals are called hunters' clocks. Sometimes the animals are depicted as dead, but most people preferred the animals depicted as living on the clocks.

I would like your opinion about cuckoo clocks: love them or hate them?

Until next time...


Ricki Jill


  1. I don't love all of them but this is a show piece!

  2. Wow! Elaborate! I think they're fun. We don't currently own one although I've had three from different trips to Germany and i lived there for 7 years growing up. But they don't fit with just ANY decor, do they? Does Mr. Art @ Home have a home office? :)

  3. I think the clock is interesting despite the creepy wolf. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it, so it's unique (in my eyes anyway.) I do like that it has some family history too.

  4. I think it is lovely! And how awesome that is has been found after 25 years!!

  5. I've never had one personally but as a child I ADORED my grandmother's. She always had a new fancy one that she would switch off too. I thought it was the greatest thing E.V.E.R. LOL

  6. I'd say paint it but then that would destroy its value I guess. Maybe it is represents some story and that is why it has that scary effect on you. You know all those old fairytales that are so scary. I like it and would display but I am quirky and we all know that.


Comments are friendly!

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