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Scenes from DeSoto State Park

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I wanted to share with you some scenes from a recent visit to DeSoto State Park near Mentone, Alabama.  Pictures include DeSoto Falls, Little River Falls, Grace's High Falls, Hawk's Glide, and the Little River Canyon.  Little River Canyon is around 17 miles long and has an average depth of 400 feet, 700 feet at its deepest point.  The Little River is the only river in the world that flows mostly on top of a mountain (Lookout Mountain in Northeast, Alabama).






Linking to little red house's Mosaic Monday.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Breathtaking and so refreshing to the eyes! I love the greenery and the view of the blue waters. Thanks for refreshing us with the pics. :)

  2. Looks like a lovely place to visit!

  3. Voglia di freschezza,qui fa tanto caldo!Belle immagini.Mi sei mancata,baci,Rosetta

  4. Hi Ricki Jill,
    What stunning scenery, I don't think I've ever seen such a densely forested area before.
    The waterfalls are magical.
    Have a great week.

  5. WELCOME BACK...I've missed you!!! (I know it hasn't been THAT long, but I have missed you!) Anyway, what beautiful photographs, breathtaking!!!
    Happy Monday Ricki Jill!

  6. Beautiful pictures Ricki Jill! Looks like you had pretty nice weather as well! I'll have to keep that in mind next time I'm around Alabama!

  7. What a beautiful scenery, Ricki. I love that waterfall!...Christine

  8. Hey Ricki! What gorgeous pictures! I could see myself by that waterfall spilling over the rocks. Heavenly for sure! I have never been to Alabama, although my sister has a place in Gulf Shores. But I have never been there either!

  9. I have been trying to get to yours all weekend too!!!
    Those are gorgeous pictures!! I love being in beautiful nature. It is so exhilarating!!

  10. Wow, breathtaking views. And so high up, I would most likely be too nervous up there but it's nice to sort of get to visit via your blog, Ricki:)

  11. So beautiful! I love waterfalls - large and small. I recently went on a hike near our home that had 7 waterfalls in a 4 mile hiking trail. So beautiful. I am not a good photographer so I didn't post any pics. Thanks for stopping by my blog... I need to stop by yours more often. You are quite the photog! Cheers!

  12. I have printed materials about Mentone several times but never made the trip. I'm so going to Mentone now. Thanks for sharing these photos. Congrats to the graduate. I know you are proud and its good that she's going to your alma-mater. I'm an Alabama fan.

  13. What amazing...and DRAMATIC photos! I'm putting this on my list of places I would like to visit! ♥

  14. I LOVE the pics, RJ! You'll have to send me directions where that is. I may want to visit it on my next trip! Gorgeous... and you know what a sucker I am for waterfalls. Is it much of a hike?


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