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Friday Confessional #3

Friday, May 6, 2011

I am joining Mamarazzi @ Dandelion Wishes for Friday Confessional.

1.   I confess that I have been better at joining Linky Parties and participating by visiting the other particpating blogs and leaving comments.  But I confess that I am not where I want to be.  I need to either: stay up later at night and visit all the blogs, or: not join as many linky parties every week.

2.   I confess that I need a vacation....badly.  We will probably take the kids to Northern California and San Francisco this summer, and I can't wait.  I confess that there are three things I want to do on this trip:

     A.  Visit one of my favorite stores, BellO'cchio, in San Francisco.  If I do not do any more shopping the rest of our vacation, I will be *happy*. BellO'cchio is the prettiest store I have ever seen.  I love the pretty ribbon they sell, like this one:


     B.   Drive through a redwood tree.  Corny, I know, but I want to do it!


     C.   Take tons of pictures of the adorable cottages in Carmel By the Sea.  It is one of my favorite places on earth, and I can't wait to go back.


3.   I confess that I am liking Charlie Sheen today, and I am feeling like a winner! Charlie visited Tuscaloosa, and he made good on his promise to help the folks devastated by the tornado.  He has launched a program called Torpedos Against Tornados: patrons who donate $100.00 or more will receive a baseball signed by Charlie Sheen.  We are attending a benefit tonight to help tornado victims in Elmore and Tallapoosa counties, and Mr. Art@Home is working with some firefighters tomorrow, but I think we will definitely support Torpedos Against Tornados, too.

4.   I confess that I just ordered a Duh, Winning. t-shirt from Hot Topic. Yes.  I.  Did. Do your kids love Hot Topic?  Mine do.  I am a frequent shopper there!


5.   I confess that I have never seen Charlie Sheen's show, Two and a Half Men. But I am a fan of Charlie's: he was willing to visit Alabama and help.  I confess that today, I am the President of the Charlie Sheen Fan Club, Alabama Chapter! Here is Charlie rocking his University of Alabama baseball cap with Mayor Maddox.  Roll Tide!


Don't forget to link-up to Friday Confessional!


Until next time...

Still winning!  {duh!}
Ricki Jill      


  1. We are taking a trip to the beach in a few weeks and I can't wait. We need a vacation so bad!

  2. Awww, this was fun. I confess that if i could live in that house at Carmel by the Sea, I would leave right now! Have a great weekend Ricki.

  3. Che bella quella casetta!Baci,Rosetta,tanti auguri per la festa della mamma.

  4. I love your true confessions. Charlies show was actually very very good!~

  5. Hope you feel better getting that off your chest. :) Carmel by the Sea is the place to be!
    Have a great weekend! xoxo Caroline

  6. You need to add visit Mamarazzi to that list. Seeeeeriously if you are that close to me and dont meet me somewhere I might never forgive you.

    Name the spot I am there.

    Great confessions dollface...thanks for linking up.

  7. I hope you get your vacation very soon! So you can "chill" for a bit and so that we will see PICTURES! Carmel By the Sea...oh man!

  8. I really like Two and a Half Men. I'm not a big sitcom person, but I get a chuckle or two out of that one.

    And I need a vacation too! Sounds like you've got a lovely one planned! :)

  9. I confess that I love this post,I confess that you are one of my favorite bloggy buddies.
    I confess that I wish I was going to Northern Cally and San Francisco with yall.I confess I love Charlie Sheen,always have,he may have some problems but don't we all,I think that is awesome,(Torpedos Against Tornados)!!!..I want to join the fan club madame President!

  10. ps...I confess I want to wish you a wonderful Mothers Day!
    Be blessed,and have a great weekend with the gurls.
    Be safe!

  11. Oh, I so need a vacation too!!!

    Stopping by from the Hop! :)

  12. I confess I am so enjoying our English vacation right now and also I hear what you're saying about too many linkys and not enough hours in the day!

  13. I confess that we watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off last night and had to laugh at how much Charlie Sheen has not changed since then.
    I'm with you on the vacation thing.

  14. Vacation? What's that???

    Susan and Bentley

  15. I LOVE San Francisco, but sadly didn't drive through a tree or see Carmel... But after seeing the picture of that cottage I'm dying too, OMG gorgeous.

    I'm getting this shirt for a friends birthday party:

  16. Wish you were coming to SOUTHERN California:( San Francisco and Carmel are lovely though.

    I have been thinking about getting away to the beach for a weekend--just me and my Kindle! No responsibilites except reading. Haven't been to the beach in years even though I am 45 minutes away.

    Enjoy your weekend.
    Carole (Stapes)

  17. Oh I want to go to San Fran so badly- for some reason it fascinates me. I think I would fit in perfectly.

    That's the cutest little cottage- I want one. (I have wanted everything lately, it seems.)

    I am with you on the needing a vacay- luckily Dev won a trip (all expenses paid- woot!) so we're going to Cancun in June. It will be the second just her and I trip and we are majorly excited.

    4 girls- Hot Topic and I are on a first name basis. Love the shirt.

    Have a great weekend.

  18. CAVOLACCIO!!!I just went to visit Bellocchio (Italian origin ...? promising) ... is just wonderful!!!!Thank you for sharing ... you made me want to come be with you in Frisco! Kiss

  19. Love your confessions! I want to drive through a redwood tree too! :) Have a great weekend! Chris

  20. Great post. I am in Hot Topic so much I have a frequent buyer card thingy on my key chain. Carmel is only a couple of hours north of where my husband's family has their beach cottage. It is so beautiful along the CA coast. I always sigh and completely relax when I get there and first walk on the sand. Enjoy your Mother's Day.

  21. I love that ribbon! I may or may not be a ribbon junkie! I just can't pass by pretty ribbon without thinking I need it for something. I just really wish I knew what that something was.... :)

  22. Your confessions crack me up! I also want to drive through that tree! Def on my list next time I make it out to CA!


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