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Laundry Room Reveal

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I have been working on our laundry room for a couple of weeks.  I wish I had taken some before pictures, but my DH started his demolition and installment before I had the chance!

The problem:

The room is literally 7.5' X 6'.

Let me give you a little background.  Our house has a very open floor plan. The tiny laundry room is between our kitchen and dining room.  It does have a door, but I need to access it often....because.....we don't have a pantry. Yep.  You read correctly.  I have neighbors who have two pantries, yet we do not have one.  :(

The solution:

My sweet DH took out the ceiling to floor wire shelves and installed a tall stock cabinet he bought at The Home Depot.  This is what I am using as a pantry.  I left the rest of the wire shelves because they work.  I would love to have pretty wooden shelves with even prettier corbels, but it is almost impossible for me to replace anything if it is in great shape and is functional.



The laundry sorting center came from Lowe's, and the padded hangers are a birthday gift.  I like the shelf on top for storing the laundry basket.


I added some baskets I've had for a long time.  They were scattered throughout the house, and I think I bought them at Pier1.  The little chalkboards are from Ballard Designs.




The valance is from Target, but I bought it several years ago.


I recycled a picture frame for the stain removal chart I downloaded from Martha Stewart.  


The light fixture is from MacKenzie-Childs, as are the knobs on the cabinet.  The burlap cord cover is from The Old Painted Cottage.


I painted the vintage clothes pins.



The tray is from Pier1, the linen water is from The Fresh Market, and the candle is from Anthropologie.



My favorite thing about the laundry room is the window.  It is a tight fit in there, and I don't know if I could stand not having it!  I spend lots of time in the laundry room with two daughters who ride horses.



A favorite sachet....a gift from a friend.


I was inspired by Mallory's gorgeous laundry room.  Click on this link to see it.

Do you enjoy laundry?  It is my favorite chore, and I adore ironing linens.  Do you like your laundry room?  I love mine (finally)!

Linking to Faded Charm's White Wednesday.  Click on button below to join the party.

Also linking over to sweet Cielo's Show Off Your Cottage Monday.  Click on her pretty button:

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Fabulous! You did an amazing job! I love your little clothes pin paintings. You're so talented!

  2. Good Morning Ricki Jill,
    I love your new laundry room! It is so pretty. Do you buy Era laundry soap? I'm asking because your soap container looks like the one I bought. It is huge and has that strange spout that actually works very well. No mess with liquid laundry soap on the washer anymore since I've used it. My hubby hung white cabinets and install a large cabinet sort of like yours in our little, tiny closet. He put it on wheels and we can roll it out if we wish. I should post about our laundry room because he did an outstanding job but then everyone would see my very, very old washer and dryer. I don't have pretty new ones like yours. LOL! Well, I better stop blogging and get the wash going. I enjoyed your post very much. Hugs, Sandy

  3. E' molto accogliente e ben organizzata!Fa pesare meno il lavoro!Saluti,Rosetta

  4. I think it came out great and I love the knobs and baskets with the little chalk board labels. I too have a very small laundry room and only a small closet for a pantry. We had more cupboards built in but it still never seems to be enough storage and it is small in there. I don't dream of a walk in closet as I am not into clothes but I dream of a walk in pantry. Have you ever seen the one on sugarpiefarmhouse blog? It is so cute and huge.

  5. Ricki, I am having Laundry Room Envy right now! And your paintings, I hope you sell some, they're awesome. My husband does similar type of work.
    The clothespin paintings are wonderful!!!
    Love everything you did, it's amazing! xoxo tami

  6. Oh goodness, that's it...I'm bringing my laundry over!!! That is gorgeous, I'd be washing up a storm!

  7. You did such a nice job on this laundry room! It is beautiful! I love the baskets, the chalkboard labels and especially your clothespin creations! You are so talented.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Have a great day.

  8. Mi piace tantissimo!!!BELLA;BELLA;BELLA e molto funzionale...te la invidio!BRAVA!!!Annalisa

  9. Seriously that laundry room looks AWESOME!!~ I am jealous now and want to rip mine apart lol...I love the light too. No detail went unnoticed! KUDOS!

  10. Ricki, this is great!..I have a pantry, but it needs lots of work, I know I need to quit being lazy and get with it, maybe when this cold weather gets out of here I'll jump on the pantry and get it organized like this.
    Lazy on Loblolly

  11. Wow! I love the clothespins, the light and how smart to have the stain chart framed, I am always running to the computer to see what get what out. No pantry, I don't even have a laundry room, it is in the garage as we have no basements in Florida and I have a little house. Great job


  12. It's absolutely gorgeous! Love your blog post about the Linky Party too!

  13. You did an amazing job!!! It is an adorable and very organized laundry room!!!! I would SO do laundry in here....(if I did laundry) LOL!!! Love love love all the details and your clothespins are beautiful!!!!

  14. What a GREAT laundry room! You thought of everything!!!

  15. Hello! I have enjoyed reading your blog and
    have chosen you to receive The versatile Blogger award. The instructions are on my blog. Please let me know if you accept! Thanks!


  16. this is darling...laundry is already my favorite chore but this would make me love it even more!

  17. Oh wow!!!!beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. How amazing is your laundry room! I'm so envious of its beauty and organization. Also, thank you so much for your comment on my blog @crafty couture. I love your blog and the fact that you are a fellow Birmingham girl :)

  19. I am flabbergasted--never thought a laundry room could be so inviting. Beautiful!
    Carole (Stapes)

  20. Your laundry room is very lovely! Wonderful job!

  21. The knobs, the baskets, the framing, the lighting - wow! What an adorable Laundry Room...this is a fantastic room in your home & looks so clean compared to my laundry room! I'm insprired now! xoxo

  22. Your room looks great. I am hoping to put a new laundry room in next year and you have given me some great ideas. Happy Valentine Day.


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