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Valentine's Day Decorations and Peer Pressure

Monday, January 31, 2011

I have received several emails asking me this:  "Where are your Valentine's Day decorations? Time's a wastin'......"

Let me first explain that since my husband is from New Orleans, we decorate for Mardi Gras starting Twelfth Night, on January 6th.  Decorating for Mardi Gras alleviates the disappointment of taking down all of our Christmas decorations and Christmas tree.  Our kitchen and dining room are decorated for Mardi Gras, so that basically leaves only my coffee table for Valentine's Day.  Our house is small, and we do not have a lot of surface areas for pretty vignettes that I see on other websites and blogs.

So, here it is...our coffee table decked-out for the holiday of *love*....




I started with a plastic red toile print tray and placed most of the items on it.  I used pink, blue, and gray for the vignette.  First, I placed a crystal vase with pink hydrangeas on the tray and a gray bird candle holder.


I also placed tiny bisque hearts in a bowl on the coffee table.  They have holes in them, and I need to use them for a project.  Any suggestions?


I placed two other small MacKenzie-Childs votives that match my color scheme on the tray, too.


Then I added a vintage-looking Valentine on handmade paper and a bisque heart.


Look at what is written on the bottom of the sweet!  And of course there is no greater love than God's love, hence the pink cross.


Everyone needs kisses and Valentine M & M's!



Y'all know that I *love* to read, so I have placed three of my favorite Love Stories tied with a Shabby Chic fabric ribbon with pink and blue flowers.


I love these books:  Juliet, The Tenth Gift, and Shannon.  Do yourself a favor and read them during the Month of Love!


But look what I am reading now.  I have waited a long time for this book, and I think it is gorgeous!


I might post some pictures of our Mardi Gras decorations in the dining room later.  I am working on a project in there, and it is a mess!  You can see some of our kitchen decorations here.

Linking to Ruby Tuesday, White Wednesday, and Feathered Nest Friday.

Linking to Debbie's Newbie Party.  Click on this link to meet some new bloggers!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. What a soft and soothing valentine vignette. Your color palette is beautiful.

    - The Tablescaper

  2. Cute Valentine decor!!! Thanks for the add and back at ya!! From Debbies newbie party. Can't wait to get to know ya better.

  3. Love your vignette and the books tied up in a bow!

  4. I love the ribbon around the books! So pretty and romantic. Thanks for following me! I'm your newest follower! :)

  5. Very cute idea to tie up the books! I love those hydrangeas too!

  6. What a beautiful blog you have. So pretty. I looked at your dining room pictures and I love the cushions for the dining chairs. Are the books you listed romances? I'm not that big into romance books but they sure look good tied up with the ribbons.

  7. You did a great job. It's beautiful.

  8. Lovely and sweet(specially the sweets), I could eat everyone of those chocolate kisses.hehe
    I having problems trying to follow, where is your followers?
    Hope you'll visit LazyonLoblolly.

  9. I love your Valentine decor. The softness of it is what makes it so wonderful.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I am a new follower.

  10. What an awesome blog you have! I'm your newest follower! ...and thanks for the blog visit :)

  11. Thanks for your nice comment on my new blog. I love your's...great pictures. I'm a follower now and look forward to your next post.

  12. Hi Rickj,I always Love your Post!!!Bacio,Annalisa

  13. I love your V day display. You have a knack. Yes I have heard the lineman song. Hubby has it on his ipod and we have sung a duet at a party once. Not very well but we did it.

  14. Looks great, we don't decorate here in holland for valentine's day! so it is nice to see, it in your home!

  15. Ho appena scoperto questo blog.mi piace molto la vignetta di s.Valentino in particolare il biglietto.saluti Rosetta di theromanticrose

  16. Beautiful vignette, Ricki.
    I've never decorated for Valentine's Day.
    I do have a Christmas ornament out that is heart shaped, if that counts!

  17. Hi Ricki~ I don't do much decorating for Valentines day either- just a few touches of Valentines really. Your vignette is beautiful- I love your sweet little hearts! Thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  18. Those flowers are beautiful! That must be fun to decorate for MArdi Gras! I can't wait to see pics! I found you through Debbiedoo's.

    You can check me out at

  19. I love your vignette. Found you from Debbie's party. I am now following along come check me out if you get a chance I am newbie too.

  20. what a lovely display. there are so many things i love about this...i love red toile and i have some darling dishes in pink toile that i need to break out! thanks for the reminder!

    I am hopping around through the newbie hop to welcome everyone to blogging. I love making new bloggy friends and i especially love helping new blogger grow their following.

    Stop by my blog when you have a chance. There are so many FUN things happening over on Dandelion Wishes!!!
    We are .....
    *Taking Back Monday, one Etsy giveaway at a time. Come enter to win something awesome EVERY Monday!
    *Airing our dirty little secrets with Friday Confessional. Confess, link up, feel better...I promise!
    *Keeping it positive every weekend with My Happy List. What's on YOUR Happy List this week? Post and link’s a party y'all!
    *And there are crowning’s happening for Queen for the Day...finally, the royal recognition you deserve.

  21. Beautiful vignette. Fun to see the MacKenzie-Childs pieces. Did you say you painted these?


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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