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Apples to Apples

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My DH (dear husband) is a hoot.  He loves board games, and loves his girls. He sometimes "makes" us participate in "required fun" activities.  Yep! Compulsory fun...which is an oxymoron....I think....

Anyway, his latest is Apples to Apples, Family Edition.  And I must admit it is some kind of fun!





This is a very brief synopsis for how to play the game.  The "judge" let's everyone pick a card from their hand of five cards to fit a "category" card read by the judge.  Then the judge determines who wins the hand.  Then the next person gets a chance at being judge.

For example:  say your hand has these (red) cards in it:


And the category is "nice" (the green card)  :

Which would YOU choose?  I don't think I'd choose soccer mom...not in this neighborhood, anyway *giggles*

I was going to bake a lovely apple pie to have for dessert while playing this game, but one of my daughters insisted on making an Apple Dump Cake.  I was hoping to bake and post a beautiful pie like Donna's over at one of my favorite blogs, Conghaile Cottage.  *sighs* Check out her adorable Apple Pie and Bears post here.

The recipe is so simple, and my daughter learned how to bake it in GA's (Girls in Action) when she was very young.

Here is the recipe:

Apple Dump Cake

2 cans apple pie filling
1 yellow box cake mix
2 sticks of butter

In a 9 X 13" cake pan (ungreased) put in 2 cans of apple pie filling.  Dump yellow cake mix on top of pie filling, then slice butter into pats and place evenly on top of cake mix.  Place in a preheated 350 degree oven for 50 minutes or longer for desired brownness.

It sound gross, but it actually tastes pretty good, and the girls like to bake it themselves.

There are other editions to this game, and it is probably my favorite of late.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Oh Ricki Jill, Do you see me BLUSHING! You are so sweet to mention me AND in a post of one of my VERY FAVORITE things to do...LOVE GAMES! But my hubby does not like them so I'm destined to a life of solitaire... I SO wish you lived next door, MAYBE you would invite me in if I brought a pie? hehe... This game does look like fun.
    Hugs to you,

  2. Dear Richy,my pc is broken I'm writing this post With a 10 years old computer and is very hard cause it is a very very slow ormai una visita quotidiana al tuo blog è diventata un piacere...BELLISSIMI i cuscini che hai pubblicato nei post precedenti,una stanza molto "calda"dove sicuramente è un piacere soggiornare,BACI,Annalisa

  3. Had to comment on this one. My family: sisters, brothers-in-law, sons, my nephew and his wife, play a card game called Shang-hi whenever we are together. Every time someone new enters the family, they need to learn the game. A couple of years ago, my nephew's wife was talking about a game that her family played at Christmas called Apples to Apples, and about how fun it was--"maybe we all should try it sometime." So we are asking her about it and she describes how to play, "there are cards with adjectives and cards with nouns." We all look at her like she's crazy, shake our heads, make rude noises (really all in fun, we are all very close.) She says that really it is a lot more fun than it sounds. I guess what none of us liked (apart from the fact that it sounds like school!) is that it is too subjective--we like clearly defined outcomes!

    Anyway, it really does look like a fun game, but we've never played it. Lest you think we are horrible people, my niece-in-law loves Shang-hi. She's usually the first one to bring it up when we are all together, and was really ok with all the anti apples to apples talk.
    Carole (Stapes)

  4. LOL, Carole! I don't know how to play Shang-hi, but it sounds like I need to learn. I'm telling you that nothing about Apples to Apples is like school. It should be illegal it is so much darn fun. Shelley is too, too funny playing it. She has an odd, almost British sense of humor *giggles* I love it when you stop by my blog! Don't be a stranger!

    And Donna, Elle, and Annalisa, if y'all lived close by, I'd invite you all over to play :D

    ~Ricki Jill

  5. Hi Ricki Jill,
    I love that your family has game night, a great tradition!! With dessert... even better:-))

    following you back :-)))

  6. We are a game playing family too, although I've never played Apples-to-apples. It sounds like a good one. I especially like how you themed the food wiht the game.

  7. We are always on the lookout for new games so this sounds like one we ought to check out. The cake recipe looks great,

  8. My husband does not like playing games but when he does he always smokes all of us. Guess it's a gift. Love the flowers on the table.

  9. Looks like SO much fun!! An apple-themed evening :) Will have to give it a try ;)


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