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My Flower Series

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It has been so cold here in Alabama lately, that I am thinking ahead to spring and flowers in the garden. We had an ice storm, and our girls' schools were closed yesterday as well as today. I am so sick of the cold icy mess!  So I thought I would share with y'all a flower series I recently completed.

This one is entitled "Eat a Peach (blossom)."  It is a backlit peach blossom.


This is "My Hearts Bleed for You".  I have posted this one before as part of a show, and the flowers are called bleeding hearts.


This one is "Audrey III".  It is a Cahaba Lily that is very rare, and only grows on the Cahaba River here in Alabama.  I think Cahaba Lilies are kind of creepy, almost prehistoric looking.


This is "Shelley's Rose."


This one is entitled "A Mother's Love."  It is a Cherokee Rose, and the legend is during the Trail of Tears, Cherokee mothers cried as their children died. When their tears hit the ground, the Cherokee Rose appeared.  It is also Georgia's state flower.


I am sorry that my pictures are not the best quality.  It is hard for me to get good pictures of my paintings sometimes because of the medium (Liquin) I use.

What is your favorite flower?  I love tulips and camellias.  I might paint them next!

Join me for White Wednesday.  Click on the button below!

I am also linking-up to Courtney's Feathered Nest Friday.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I love your flowers! They are so beautiful and very detailed! I am a self taught painter. I just graduated myself from sketching to painting. LOL! So I am not as familiar with the different techniques that are associated with it.I am learning a lot though. I love painting faces and I emphasize a lot on the eyes of my paintings.If you have some time please stop by and look at some of my paintings I also write poetry which is what my true passion is every since I was 10, but I love art and being married to an artist just encourages me to do it even more. LOL. By the way I love Orchids and a blue rose would be so enchanting, don't you think?
    LOL. take care. please follow me if you like. thanks.

  2. Honestly, I really don't have a favorite flower. I love anything fresh and that smells lovely!!

    Happy Tuesday Sweetie! How's your week going so far?

    Oh, and I have to say, I LOVE the comments that you leave! You are so genuine and so sweet. You always put a big smile on my face!! Thank you Dear!!

  3. tulips, freesia, hydrangeas, and sterling roses

  4. My husband and I just planted a Cherokee Rose a few years ago. Your art work is beautiful!

  5. Hi Ricky Jill - Your flower series are so spectacular and realistic! I really like your bleeding hearts...such a fantastic painting! You're so talented dear friend.

    BTW, thanks for the kind words you left me yesterday. I appreciate your thoughts.

  6. you always have an ace up your sleeve...You left me speechless...really,really compliments.Annalisa

  7. You are so talented! My favorites are peonies and tulips — pink, pink, pink!

    P.S. I'm giving away a lovely leopard print clutch on my blog if you care to stop by!

  8. Gorgeous paintings. I love that last one with all the different shades of white in the ruffled petals.

  9. Absolutely beautiful. Such talent. Love them all. Happy White Wednesday.


  10. My favorite is my heart bleeds for you. So beautiful! I was looking at your sidebar we are both Elinor Dashwood.

  11. Hi Ricki~ Your artwork is gorgeous! What beautiful flowers- I love them all!! As far as the design books go- since you seem to love Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic style - I would recommend 'The French Inspired Home' by Carolyn Westbrook- it is soo beautiful and shabby french! It is truly a fantastic book- I know I will be looking at the pages over and over again! Thanks for sharing this at Feathered Nest Friday!! :)

  12. I am so impressed by your paintings. These are beautiful.


Comments are friendly!

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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
