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Projects in the Works

Friday, January 21, 2022


Happy Friday, My Lovelies!  I can't believe how quickly this week has flown by...I guess because I've been busy!  Today I'm sharing a few projects in the works.

I've been decorating for Valentine's Day, and I'll share more of our decor later next week.

Hearts in vine spheres over art studio table

These lovelies (including the stack of pretty cards) will be part of an art installation (haha) in the art studio.  This one is fun!

Houseplants make me happy, especially after all the Poinsettias have said their goodbyes.  

This is a small 6" X 6" oil painting I should finish in a week or two.  The blue is way too strong.  I had to order a Payne's Gray to tone it down.  I'll share the finished product soon, hopefully.

Rita @ Panoply is hosting another tablescape blog hop for Valentine's Day.

Here's a little sneak peek at what I'm working on:

Don't get too excited about the menu because it's super simple.  ;P

No more teasers!  You'll have to wait until Tuesday, January 25th.  

Finally, I'll share the cozy mystery series I've been reading Wednesday, February 2nd.  

So what have y'all been up to lately?  It's been cold here.  I'm not even going outside!  Brrrr....

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. You've had a good week! I've shoveled snow, played on my blog, and shuffled a few things at the antique mall and at home. With a no shoes policy, I needed a chair at the front door to encourage the drop zone like the garage entry. I think I found a solution! :)

  2. I love your blue teacup. Since I am a blue lover I did not think the blue was too strong. I am intrigued to see what you do.
    I am slowly getting back to reading and commenting on blogs after a long trip visiting my son and family.

  3. You are making some wonderful stuff! I can't wait to see all the finished products and the other fun things you are planning. I love the painting and I think you got the blues just right. Isn't Paynes Gray the best? One of my go-to colors! Happy weekend!

  4. Sounds like you are having a great week. I am so happy everything is going pretty well. I am going to work on my table hopefully this weekend. Have a good weekend. xoxo

  5. Yes, it's time for a little Valentine decor, you've inspired me! I am so tired of this cold weather!! I adore your tea cup paintings, the blue one looks great to me!

  6. Looks like you e had a happy week, Ricki Jill. I’ve gotten put Valentine decor, been making soups and meals, had a son and a granddaughter over for dinner and did a craft with her. Right now I’m going to fix a cup of tea to warm up!

  7. This week we started our big kitchen remodel. We will have all the wall painting done by the end of tonight. We have three colors in the kitchen. I am so pleased and excited to show everyone the new kitchen soon.
    xx oo

  8. Thank you for sharing these lovely valentines. We have started decorating for St. Valentine's Day. The book looks interesting. Enjoy. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  9. I love seeing the pretty things around your house! And your tea cup painting is beautiful...I love blue! I've stayed inside today just to read and do work on my junk journal for Valentine's day. Enjoy your evening! Stay warm!

  10. You have so many pretties to enjoy on this dreary January day and fun projects in the works. A good mystery is my favorite. Pulling out some valentines here today.......


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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