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Tales of the Traveling Tote: The Capstone

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Happy December, My Lovelies!  Today's Tales of the Traveling Tote post takes La Countess de Monet to the Capstone, better known as the University of Alabama.

What a beautiful day for SEC football!
Denny Chimes is a 115-foot tall campanile tower on the south side of The Quad at the University of Alabama, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The tower was named in honor of George H. Denny, who served as university president from 1912 to 1936 and then again from 1941 through 1942. It is equipped with a 25-bell carillon, and it chimes Westminster bells every fifteen minutes, and the alma mater and other songs (Christmas songs, too) at vespers (6:00 PM).

President's Mansion

Mr. Bookish and I were on campus for the Alabama v. Arkansas Game.  We visited Mr. Bookish's fraternity house and my sorority house.

Let's look around inside!

University of Alabama themed tree in the den area

Mantel in the den area

Grand staircase

Mantel in the formal parlor

Kickoff was mid-afternoon, and Bryant-Denny Stadium was packed!  

View of the south end zone from the box.  Our friends have a private box, and we enjoyed visiting with them and watching the game.

University of Alabama football games are an event: there's more going on than a football game.  There's fan karaoke, and several songs and light shows played at every game.  Dixieland Delight is one of the songs, and there are "extra lyrics" added by the fans that are hilarious.  

One of the highlights is always the Million Dollar Band, a 400 member military style band, that never disappoints.  The halftime shows are always entertaining and lots of fun.  This year the Million Dollar Band traveled to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City where they introduced Santa.  We were able to see them practice Santa Claus is Coming to Town during the halftime show.

We had so much fun at the game, and Alabama won!

I hope y'all enjoyed reading about our perfect football date.  We also enjoyed the Christmas decorations around campus, and I think it's nice they decorate early so the students can enjoy them.

Please join the other ladies and read about their adventures.  Here are the links:

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 

Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch

 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box 

Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron

Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda

Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 

Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul

Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home

Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader

Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women  

Deb is hosting this lovely giveaway, perfect for your holiday travels and errands!

Join me daily for inspiring Advent posts!

Learn more about daily Advent 2021 posts @ The Bookish Dilettante HERE.

Until next time...

Roll Tide Roll!
Ricki Jill


  1. Well I have to say, the frat/sorority houses I visited in college never were decorated so lovely!! The trees often were decorated with beer cans!! Did you two meet in college? Looks like you had a wonderful visit. Hoping you have a wonderful holiday season!

  2. How much fun to go to the game and sit in a private box! That was such a great game too! My son has friends that set up a big tailgate every game and some of them don't even have tickets, they just stay in the quad and watch the game on TV! The Christmas decorations in the fraternity/sorority houses are gorgeous! Happy December Ricki Jill!

  3. What a fun look at your college visit. Looks like a fun time. Wishing you a happy holiday ahead!

  4. Autumn on a Saturday afternoon in Tuscaloosa only means one thing, Alabama football. Campus always is lovely and the fun of meeting old friends is even better. I know you had a wonderful time. Have a lovely holiday season RJ..........

  5. Oh my goodness, those campus decorations are wonderful! What a fun getaway! Alabama football is legendary. Thanks for sharing it all! Happy December, Ricki Jill!

  6. Such lovely Christmas decorations at the campus. Pure joy for the students. It must have been fabulous to sit in a private box and watch the game. Happy Holidays Ricki.

  7. Wow Ricki Jill, I am so impressed with the holiday decorations at the campus!! They are exquisite! How fun for you and your hubby to have that special date. Thank you for sharing! ❤️

  8. I promise that the next time I visit the MacKenzie-Childs farmhouse that I will take a photo of the secretary. I took a zillion photos, but not of the secretary. What a fun look at your college visit. Wishing you a fun holiday season!

  9. It sounds like a perfect adventure for you and the tote! What a terrific day -- and I love the holiday decorations, too! (The AL red works really well for a Christmas theme tree!)

  10. Oh wowsie those decorations are gorgeous. I love that white lights tree by the staircase. How beautiful. xoxo

  11. What fun!! I enjoyed the video. :-)
    I LOVE nutcrackers.
    xx oo

  12. What a fun trip and so many beautiful decorations for the season. Thanks for the peek!


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