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Front Yard Reveal

Monday, October 4, 2021


New Dawn Rose 
I've always wanted a New Dawn Rose to soften the brick on our home.  I think our landscaper found the last one in the State of Alabama because they usually sell out in the spring.

Hello, My Lovelies!  After six months of waiting for first the right landscape designer, and then the right landscaper, we finally have a new front yard.  It feels good, because we've had a bit of anxiety since the F-3 tornado hit our neighborhood on March 25th.

We also have had a very wet summer, which pushed back our job with our landscaper.  Luckily, last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday was relatively rain-free, so all work was complete by Friday afternoon.  Then we had lots of soaking rain over the weekend, which was perfect timing for us!

The plan called for drift roses and hydrangeas in the straw area, left.

Most of the damage happened on the left side of our front yard.  We lost four Leyland Cypress Trees and several roses.  Luckily our wall in front wasn't damaged, but the one in the back was.  We live on the side of a mountain southeast of Birmingham, so our lot is steep in places.

We selected Popcorn Drift Roses for this corner of our yard.

This is one of the surviving Peach Drift Roses we've had for years.  We lost several, but five survived.  Daniel pruned them for us.
A Butterfly Bush is in the background.

Behind the roses, Daniel planted Little Lime Hydrangeas.  They do not get as large as Limelights, and they love full sun.

The following photos are from the left side of the front door.  We pulled out a Crepe Myrtle, and kept the Natchez Crepe Myrtle on the left.  The Shi Shi Gashira Camellias also survived the storm and are thriving.  This is the area where the trees hit our house.

We had hawthorns in this area, but they had to be replaced.  We replaced them with Miss Lemon Abelias.

We have three bluish boulders now.  I like them!

The bluish leaves of the Blue Cascade Distylium (planted behind the Miss Lemon Abelias) complement our brick.

Daniel planted Maki Podocarpus on each side of the front steps.  I like how they grow, and I especially like it when they are trimmed in a cylindrical fashion, unlike the camellias and distylium that remain more spiky in their growth.

On the right side of the entry, we only have camellias, a crepe myrtle, and two boulders.  We will probably plant a phlox ground cover in front of the camellias next spring.

We also lost several trees and shrubs on the right side of our property beside the driveway.  We replaced them with a row of spirea and podocarpus.  I had requested either Bridal Veil Spirea or Reeves Spirea, which are white.  It looks like we got a pink variety.  I guess I'll find out early next spring!

Spirea in the foreground, and podocarpus in the background.
On the right, the magnolia was damaged, but it is making a comeback with lots of new growth.

I am so thankful to have this job done.  Come back tomorrow to see my autumn container gardens!  Here's a sneak peek:

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. This looks wonderful, Ricki Jill! I love looking closely at your plant choices. That podacarpus looks like a great choice, and your drifting roses so pretty. I like the compact, little limelights! I'm going to have camellias in my new landscape plantings! Not sure what all I'll keep of what's there, but it's so fun to plan. I'm hoping to plant a Japanese Bloodgood maple where we're taking out the pin oak, but it won't be before spring. I know you're happy that project is complete!

  2. Your yard looks beautiful Ricki Jill! I know you are so happy to finally have it done! I am impressed that you know the name of everything, gardening is like a foreign language to me! It will be wonderful to have all those hydrangeas next year~

  3. Oh my gosh Ricki it looks beautiful. I bet you are smiling from ear to ear. Out of a tornado tragedy beauty now appears. I cannot wait to see your garden pots for fall. Have a great day today. xoxo Kris

  4. YAY!!! It looks fantastic. I just love all the different varieties of plants.. that you can grow in your climate, and I cannot. ;-)
    Love, Carla

  5. The place looks amazing. What a stately home you have. All the new plantings look perfect.

  6. How lovely Ricki Jill. Your yard has a beautiful canvas. How sweet to know the names of your lovely blooms. I love hydrangeas. I would love to see your garden pots. Happy Sunday.

  7. How lovely Ricki Jill. Your yard has a beautiful canvas. How sweet to know the names of your lovely blooms. I love hydrangeas. I would love to see your garden pots. Happy Sunday.

  8. Such a long wait but oh, how very beautiful! Hydrangeas are one of my very favorites!


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Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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