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We Have a Winner!

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Happy Saturday, My Lovelies!  We have a winner of the silverpoint teapot drawing, above, from my Mad Tea Party post.  The winner is PC Petunia, who answered that her favorite macaron flavor is pistachio.  Please email me your contact information so I can mail it to you.

What are y'all doing this weekend?  I'm going to the library to (hopefully) find something fantastic to read.  *fingers crossed*

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


Comments are friendly!

Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
