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Dreaming of Gardens and Other Things

Monday, June 14, 2021


We are considering lantana for our front garden.
This photo was taken at Harbor Point Marina, Lake Martin, Alabama.

Happy Monday, My Lovelies!  I must admit that I am dreaming of gardens today: container gardens and beautiful yards.  Although we now have a professional plan to fix our front yard (it sustained the most damage from March's tornado), it is taking some time to implement said plan.  I've also included a couple of mosaics because it's Mosaic Monday, AND Blogger is limiting the number of photos per post these days.  I wonder if mosaics trick the AI?  Does anyone know (I'm asking you, Linda, lol)?

We've spent a couple of weekends at Lake Martin, and before I forget, I wanted to share with you this photo of mountain laurels.  They were exceptionally beautiful this year, and as you can see from the photo, the ones near the shoreline spill over into the water.

Forgive me the shaky photo, but the boat was pitching in the waves when I took it.

Our marina always has the prettiest large container gardens, and this year they planted lots of purple scaevola, white dipladenia on tiny little trellises, and tall Lily of the Nile.

Although we've planted a few container gardens, we haven't been able to really enjoy them yet; our backyard and patio are still a mess because we're waiting on the painters to paint the house.  The delay is due to lots of rain.  Everything needs to dry out so they can paint.

Memorial Day Weekend at Lake Martin was unseasonably cold.  I literally wore yoga and sweat pants all weekend, and we had to go in because of the wind: It made it that much colder.  Not many boats were out, and people stayed on their docks grilling or around their swimming pools.

Although I haven't been able to do much outside, that hasn't stopped me from working inside our home:

We have made a few big changes in two rooms, and I will share them with y'all soon!

Big changes in our dining room

No changes in the kitchen, although I have been enjoying putting together tablescapes...

...and playing with flowers, especially heirloom roses.

I must say that it has been fun seeing everyone's gardens in Blogland coming to life chronologically from the South to the North.  It has been good for me seeing your pretty plants and flowers.  Deb allowed me to share this beautiful photo from her blog.  Her post entitled "Springing into Summer" highlights the beautiful variety of flowers currently blooming in her New York garden.  A few of these I'd never seen before her post, so they probably don't grow here in Alabama.

Aren't they all stunning!
I hope to be able to share flowers from our garden maybe at the end of the summer.
Click HERE to read Deb's post.

Reminder #1:  Today is Flag Day here in the United States!  I hope you have a lovely day!

Reminder #2:  Today is the last day to be entered in our Tales of the Traveling Tote giveaway, featured below.  Click HERE to enter!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. We have our flag flying. :-) Proudly!!!

  2. All so beautiful. I cannot wait to see what you are doing in your rooms.

  3. What a great post, Ricki Jill! Your collages are fantastic, and I have some pretty intense inspiration stirred in seeing peeks of your dining room ceramics! That post of Debbie's was simply gorgeous. Like you, I really enjoy a lingering spring from region to region as the blooms come out. Lantana should be a winner in your front yard for color, drought-tolerance and birds & bees love.

  4. You have lots of fun projects on the table, Ricki Jill and everything is so pretty! Wonderful flowers and oh, the pretty china. It's definitely spring in your world. I'll stay tuned!

  5. I'm glad you've been able to getaway to the lake, but sorry it was so cold over Memorial Day weekend! Container gardening is a great idea until you get your yard put back together and all the rain last week I'm sure was frustrating for your painters. Your peeks at your indoor projects are so full of MKC pretties, I can't wait to see more!

  6. Ricki Jill, you will love lantana anywhere and it does well in our zone. I'm sure you are excited to have finished your landscape design, now the patience has to kick in! Seems it can be much cooler at the lakes/rivers in spring but this year was exceptional! Have a great summer.........

  7. It will be nice to re landscape the front. A new look can be nice even though it is sad that it was lost due to the tornado damage. I like lantana, it is easy and blooms all year round, but I have to force myself to cut it back when it has all those beautiful flowers otherwise it becomes woody or scraggly. xoxo


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
