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Tales of the Traveling Tote September 1, 2020

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


Happy September, My Lovelies!  On today's Tales of the Traveling Tote edition, I will be sharing a few scenes from around Lake Martin, Alabama.

I have been spending a lot of time at the lake during the COVID mandates because life is a little more normal at the lake than in Shelby County and Birmingham.  When the "safer at home to flatten the curve" began, thousands of people with lake cabins decided to spend the quarantine at the lake.  Kids from Kindergarten through college homeschooled online from the lake.  At the time, I had never seen the lake so crowded.  Never.

We had planned two trips during this past quarter: one to New York State and one to Scottsdale.  Both were canceled.  I don't know when we will be able to travel in the near future.

La Countess de Monet is happy at Lake Martin, but she looks forward to traveling again in the future.

Welcome to our Lake Martin home!  This is all you can see right now.  We've had tons of company, and the rest of the cabin is messy.  

Below is a beautiful lakeside garden with a few water features.  The owners' daughter gave me permission to take some photos.

One day I made it my goal to take photos of palm trees.  Here are a few of them:

In June, there was a Patriotic Boat Parade.  It morphed into a Trump Boat Parade.  These Trump boaters are very enthusiastic, and over 700 boats participated.  Although I didn't see all the boats, I did not see a single Biden flag.  Biden boats would've been more than welcome, though.  Our boat made the paper.  We were thrilled!

This is one of my friend's dog.  He knows he's pretty.

My sister-in-law and niece visited in July.  We had such a great time!  I took lots of photos, and since this trip was their first time to visit Goat Island, I thought I'd share a couple of goat photos.

Our niece Molly and a goat
Feeding the goats is allowed, and we fed them Cheerios.  They like cereal!

Mustang Sally has decided that she enjoys riding the jet ski in the harbor.  Mr. Sketchy Reader likes having his buddy with him while he rides.

I believe I've bored entertained you with enough photos from quarantine at the lake.  If this medical crisis  continues, I don't know what I'll post about next quarter.  I'll really have to get creative if that's the case!

Isn't our giveaway beautiful this quarter?  I hope you win!  Visit the Panoply blog to enter.

Be sure to visit the other Tales of the Traveling Tote blogs.  Below are the links!

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box 
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader
Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women  

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Your lake cabin looks like the perfect getaway, safe and relaxing! And a perfect place for you to enjoy reading! Covid certainly has put a damper on our travels!! Your pup looks like he enjoys the water, too! Boat parades are always fun - I especially like the Christmas parades with boats all lit up like Christmas trees! Happy September and happy travels!

  2. Ricki Jill, your lakeside summer looks cool and refreshing. Spending time on water is always a wonderful way to get away. I miss our boating days on Lake Travis. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. I feel as if I've had a mini vacation myself. Would love to visit Goat Island!!!

  3. I'm so glad you've been able to spend time at the lake RJ, and I agree, we have never seen so many boats and activity on the coast either, it's been crazy! Goat island looks so much fun and I'm glad you've been able to have family and socialize a bit! So happy your daughter was at least able to have her wedding, even though they had to cancel their incredible honeymoon. So sorry about your travel plans too...I have been traveling through art and have enjoyed that!! I hope to see you soon, Happy September!

  4. RJ, you are very fortunate to have the lake home to enjoy, especially during quarantine. Lake Martin is such a lovely place, the water of course but so many beautiful gardens and homes. Speaking of which, I would love a tour of yours soon. I adore those pillows, with the pine cones, so perfect for the lake. I'm sure the house is beautiful just like your city home. Have a wonderful September RJ.........

  5. Love that you have your lake home to enjoy especially now that we cannot travel or find fun spots like that. Little sweet Sally looks so cute and is smiling with the fun she is having on the jet ski. Too cute. Happy New Week. Hugs. Kris

  6. Not boring at all, RJ! Lake Martin looks to be a fun place to run away from home to, and you guys did it right. Glad you could at least spend some time with family, and Goat Island looks very entertaining. We witnessed a Trump boat parade on our river this past weekend - unannounced an unexpected - but boy, what it big! Our city used to have an annual Regatta and I do believe the number of boats topped those years!

  7. Looks like great minds were thinking alike with people isolating at the lake. What a wonderful place to stay and play! Lake Powell was the opposite this summer as people didn't get out much. One of the main marinas was closed because it is run by the Navajo Indians, so that may have been why. Their population has been hit pretty hard with Covid.
    Mr. and Mustang Sally look like they had a blast too. Hope fall brings lots of sunshine and fun too.

  8. The lake looks so inviting and fun. I love Lake Martin and have fond memories there.
    Happy September and wishing you wellness and hoping Covid will go away soon.

  9. What a lovely place to get away. Lake Martin looks wonderful. Spending time with family is always fun. Must and Sally is so adorable. What a treat to ride the jet ski. The boat parade must have been a blast. So happy you got to get away. Xo

  10. Hi Ricki Jill, I can’t comment from my phone and can’t see other comments on your blog either. I’ll try commenting from my desk top tomorrow.

    La Countess de Monet looks very happy at Lake Martin, and I’m sure everyone that visits is happy there too! Sorry you had to cancel two trips this year, and was glad to see New York on the agenda. 😁

    I am actually getting out to a friend's backyard for a safely social gathering next Thursday. A welcome change! I’ve only seen family this summer for the most part. Wishing you a happy and healthy rest of your summer. 💛

  11. Oh my! Goats! I love goats. I think I would go bananas at Goat Island!


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