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Finding Beauty and Joy

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Happy Thursday Evening, My Lovelies!  It has been way too long since I've blogged.  The main reason I've been MIA:  gremlins.  Gremlins in my laptop and camera.  And since all of Shelley's college coursework is online these days, she is monopolizing the desktop.

And an added bonus: I.  Destroyed.  My.  Blog.....literally crashed it and burned it up.  

You see, I found a super-cool blogger template I fell in L*O*V*E with.  The only problem: it broke my blog.  Broke it to bits.  I had nothing to do with it, haha!

And I didn't have the heart to call my administrator, the Blog Fairy herself, Miss Linda.  Because she would've killed me been very annoyed with me.  But if you break your blog, or need any help designing your perfectly pretty space on the interwebs, Linda is the lady to help!

But the good news is: everything is fixed!  *knock on wood*  I've heard that things break in threes, and it's true!

Lately I've been getting reacquainted with my camera at home in Birmingham and in Dadeville (at Lake Martin).  

I've been working quite a bit outside in our garden.  Our house will be painted next week, and I'm looking forward to the painters getting the job done.  We also have a couple of other projects in the works that I'll blog about later.

Spending so much time outdoors has inspired me to bring the outside in.  I'm reading a delightful book currently, and I'm dreaming of several projects to turn our home into a "garden house."

I have all of Selina Lake's books, and this one might be one of my favorites.  

I don't go anywhere these days other than nurseries.  I can go and walk around outside, mask free.  Masks and asthma don't go very well together.  I'm making friends at a few of them, and these businesses are some of the few that are thriving during this crisis.  Everyone is spending so much time at home, and they are in the fluffing, repair, and remodel mode.

I love pretty containers, both for inside and out.  Lately I've been using a peachy terra cotta outside, and a deep charcoal gray inside.  I can't afford to have all my plants in MacKenzie-Childs pots!

I am trying to think outside the box when it comes to containers.  I was thinking about maybe finding some milk glass.  I love it, and I don't own a single piece.  I thought they might contrast nicely with the charcoal terra cotta.

The compote might be nice for a container garden, and I'd love a little pitcher for a vase. 
I have not bought any milk glass yet, though.  Still thinking about it....

Y'all I am VERY WAY BEHIND with my Literary Friday posts.  I'm probably going to write a spring-summer roundup post with mini reviews to get caught-up.  I will get to work on that over the weekend and share next week.

I hope y'all have a super weekend!  Please leave a comment and let me know what you've been up to.  

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. What a sick feeling it must've been to have your blog crash! Yay Linda! It looks as though you're fully recovered on past posts, a good feeling that must be.
    Love the idea of milk glass with your charcoal, very smart contrast. Your leading photo composition is gorgeous. Happy weekend.

  2. It is so nice to see a blog from you in my in box! Gardening is such a rewarding pastime and the milk glass would be a wonderful contrast to your pots! I'm glad you've been spending time at the lake, so nice to be able to safely get away! I look forward to your reading round up!

  3. So sorry to hear about your blog - i would cry for days!! lInda is the best for problem solving!! I love you opening photo - great color and texture. I love milk glass and hav 22 dinner dishes that I use for company (if i can eve entertain again!!). I also have my Mom's epergne which is so unique - i should probably use it as it is tucked into my china cabinet!! Better days are ahead!

  4. Welcome back, RJ! It's good to see you here!

  5. Aww Ricki, so sorry your blog was broken, but now it is good as new. no need to ever be afraid to ask for help. Milk glass is lovely, I only have a few glasses. Gardening is such good therapy for me. Take care.

  6. I'm so glad you got your blog back...that is scary! I love your milk glass and always like to see what books are catching your eye! Take care! Hugs!

  7. Oh boy to have your blog break. That had to be scary. Linda worked on my new blog updates and she did such a great job. She helped me so much with all my silly questions. She is the best and I am glad she could help you.

  8. I'm late but I loved this post! Thank goodness you are up and running again. The computer break-up must have been a nightmare. You must tell me where the garden centers are you visit. I'm always looking for new ones, like you I just love to wander around and enjoy. Forever looking for creative ideas to use on our veranda and new containers.......Happy August.

  9. I think we have at least one of those milk glass pieces from my grandmother. Now I want to see you use some to give me ideas!! ;)


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Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
