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Checking In With My Blog Friends

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hello, My Lovelies!  I know I've been MIA lately, but I've been busy with wedding plans, and our sweet niece Molly moved-in with us.  She is completing a clinical rotation here in Birmingham for her doctorate in physical therapy.  We're so proud of her!  She and Shelley are both studying hard, and they are using the desktop computer.  I currently do not have a laptop, so it's hard for me to blog at the moment.

Plus, I've been working on myself a little, too.  I'm trying to get healthier, and I've been painting a little.  I've also been practicing a new artistic skill called silverpoint.  Silverpoint is what artists used before graphite.  It's literally a piece of silver that leaves a mark on specially grounded paper.  I want to learn more about it because I love it!  To me, it is a very intimate medium.  It does not photograph well because it's hard to see the shimmer of the metal via photos.  It really draws the viewer in!

I decorated for Halloween this month, but I don't know if I'll get around to posting any photos.  Maybe on Instagram.  I've been a bit MIA over there, too!  But I will be on my @rickijilltreleaven account this week as I'm posting my new paintings.

I will try to catch up with your blogs via my iPad until I can replace my laptop.  Until then, please share with me anything you think I've missed from your blog lately in the comments and I will definitely link over!  

This is one of four pumpkin paintings for autumn.  I love the oil-primed canvases I used for this one.

I painted this colorful and lively trio of apples on a pretty linen cloth a couple of weeks ago.
Both paintings will be available in my Etsy Shop this week!

Above is a silverpoint pumpkin I drew.  I'm still getting the hang of it.  The only drawback with silverpoint is it cannot be erased!  So artists are allowed to embrace their mistakes with this medium.  ;P

Have y'all read any good books for autumn?  I will have a couple of terrific book reviews coming up in the next few weeks.  Stay tuned!
Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Very artistic Ricki Jill. You have a wonderful eye for color and arrangements. The paintings are lovely.

  2. Good to hear from you, Ricki. You are so talented. Thanks for sharing your work.

  3. I LOVE your art work!! What talent you have hidden from us!! The pumpkins look so real!

  4. It's always good to read a post from you, RJ! Love the two small works, and the silverpoint looks both intimidating and very interesting! Painting is an artistic talent I do not have, and I am always amazed to see someone master it.

  5. I love your paintings and especially how you staged them. Lovely in every way. The silverpoint interests me. I love the piece you did and understand the challenge of not being able to erase. Not that there's a bit to erase on your piece! Love that you are fully immersed in your art. It seems like all I posted this past summer was my painting and since I've been back home haven't picked up the brush. THAT has got to change!

  6. I love you paintings, especially the pumpkin one. IT is always nice to see you post and even better to see that the reason for your absence is that you are taking care of YOU and expanding your horizons and passions.

  7. Hi,
    I am peeking at your Etsy Shop, well done my friend.
    Happy to have caught up with you. :-) I am so excited about the wedding. Keep us in the loop.
    Love, Carla

  8. Your paintings and art is amazing RJ. I've enjoyed scrolling through. I love artistic approach. Stunning!!!


Comments are friendly!

Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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