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Redecorating Shanley Belle's Room

Monday, February 11, 2019

Happy Monday, My Lovelies!  Today I want to share with you a recent project: Redecorating Shanley Belle's bedroom.

For those of you who don't know Shanley Belle, she's our daughter who's a perpetual student.  She's a doc student at LSU, so she isn't home very often.  However, we've been unhappy with her room, and we also wanted to build sturdy bookshelves along her dormer wall.  One of the main reasons we wanted the bookshelves located there is because it's one of the few long walls in our house.  There simply was no other place to put them!

I want to apologize about the poor quality of the photos.  I've given up being able to take decent photos in her room....there just isn't enough natural light!

Here are a few before photos:

Shanley's room was ballet slipper pink.  It truly darkened the darkest room in our home.
Another thing I must share:  Pink is one of THE HARDEST colors to paint over.
We kept her bedding and nightstand, but replaced her bed.

This is the only window in the room, and it's in a funky dormer.  The ceiling also slopes in the room.

Here are the during and after photos:

 We painted the walls and ceiling Polar Bear White by Behr.  

We turned her bed a quarter turn counterclockwise and centered it on the wall you face as you walk into the room.  
The room is dark and claustrophobic because of the one dormer window and the sloped ceiling viewed above.

We kept her bedding and added a new throw pillow from Anthropologie.
Seriously, this might be my new favorite white.  I normally don't even paint with Behr paint!

I love that the lamp has a shiny finial made from the same glass as the lamp! 

We purchased a shiny lamp from Pier1 to lighten-up the dark corner.

I love this pillow.  It has a few sequins scattered about, but they didn't photograph well. 

Looking from the dormer area toward the bathroom and closet.

The art is by Vanessa from A Fanciful Twist, and it's the aunts' house from Practical Magic.

The bookshelves were installed along one of the dormer walls.  It is opposite the wall the bed is on.
Mr. Sketchy Reader built them for me.  I love how the oak stained shelves turned out.

We installed three MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check Edison light fixtures.
I never thought I'd organize books according to color, but I read a strong defense for it and it won me over.  You might not always remember the author, and you might sometimes forget the author's name, but rarely do you forget what the cover looks like.  This makes sense to me, especially since I'm so visual!  

This is a small bookcase that stores cozy mysteries.  It's a distressed piece, and the circle on top is a circle in the pine wood.  The canisters hold tea.
The artwork is appropriate because Shanley is a book thief.  She "borrows" books from me all the time!
The artwork is from Etsy shop Vintage Expression 702.

We placed a kettle and everything needed for making tea on the chest of drawers.  We have a Nespresso in the library next door to this room.  Shanley prefers tea, so we put the tea stuff in here.

We also collect card catalog art from one of my favorite Etsy shops, Winged World.

On the bottom shelf I placed this basket for library books.  This way I can avoid paying fines especially on new books.  Now I have no excuse!  

The rest of our fiction books are in the library.  Cookbooks are in the kitchen, art books are in the art studio, and home decor books are in the family room.  I think it's important to have books in the rooms where you'll actually  use them.

I literally sorted every book in our home (and dusted them, too)!  We sold a few, but we donated a lot of them to our local libraries, and I recycled the ARC's I no longer wanted.  It was quite a chore!  

Thanks for stopping by.  I kept waiting for better lighting, but I thought I'd go ahead and share even though the photos are horrible.  Now it's time to move on to another project!

What's your favorite, go-to white interior paint?  Please let me know in the comments section below!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. What a sweet room! The bookshelves with all the color sorted books are fabulous! Love that bedding too.

  2. Oh my gosh Ricki Jill this room is beautiful. I love her bed frame and the bedding is gorgeous. I love the paint color what a great difference that made for making the room feel light. I love love love the book shelves. My daughter the one that is a perpetual student too and in graduate school love love her books and wants a big ole library in her home someday. In fact she said if she gets married she want to have the reception in an old library. It all is beautiful. Very nice job. Happy New Week.

  3. The room is lovely. I like the idea of the basket with the due date for library books.
    Thank you for sharing,

  4. You did a beautiful job of creating a literary escape for Shanley Belle. I hope she gets some time to come home for a visit soon.

  5. The bedrooms looks darling. lovely bedding and those book shelves filled with books. Wonderful project.

  6. Well that is just so beautiful! I love the's like a fancy inn!!

  7. It is super cute! Even the bedding reminds me of MacKenzie-Childs. I love the idea of writing the date on the basket as a reminder of when to return the books. I don't have a favorite white. I have different ones for different areas for different light, because one that looks warm in one room can look gray in another. xoxo Su

  8. Wow what awesome looking rooms I do so like the bedding is really lovely

  9. I love the white paint. It really brightens up the room. (I'm lynns.library on bookstagram)

  10. It's just beautiful, RJ. I know she will love it. The bookshelves had me swooning -- I need more shelves desperately and just not sure where to put them! The white makes all the difference in the world!

  11. Love Shanley Belle's room! That was a lot of work sorting the books and making the book shelf! It looks terrific! You did a great job with the paint color. It looks bright and light now.
    I know she will be pleased with the new look. You have excellent taste.

  12. Wow, every book in the house! I know you were exhausted but wow, I love how Shanley Belle's room turned out. The white paint really lightened up the space and the lovely linens really pop on the bed. Hubs did a fantastic job on the shelves and they look gorgeous with the books organized by color. I love that RJ. All the special touches with MC tea service pieces (how sweet to have that in her room) and the light pendants are darling. The room is adorable and I'm betting Shanley Bell has a fit over it. I need you to help me redecorate my guest rooms! Love, love, love. Great job RJ.........

  13. The color organized books!!!! (swoon)

  14. I love what you did, Ricki Jill! Books are on my list to organize & purge. I know my daughter will help on that front so it'll get done soon. Lord knows I have plenty other purging to keep me busy!

  15. I LOVE the rainbow book display RJ! And the MKC lights and tea things, so cute! I bet she will want to come home often to enjoy her pretty new space! I just had my bedroom painted white and I can't believe the difference it made, it is SO much brighter now!

  16. This is such a soft and beautifully gentle room. A sanctuary created for reflection. I can imagine that Shanley and you will have some precious times in this loverly room over the next weeks as she regains her strength. You’ll have miracles to recount in a room put together with love. Thanks for inviting us for a peek. On the topic of your camera, check out ”Entertablement” You’ll find her linked into Tablescape Thursday with Susan @Between Naps on the Porch. She has gorgeous photos, and if I remember correctly, she shoots with one of the Sony mirrorless point and shoots. Now the mirrorless cameras can be very expensive, but the Sony she had will be more reasonable than most. My whole house doesn’t get much light, so I know well your frustrations. That said, your pics captured everything just fine. I saw nothing to fault. CherryKay


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