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The Best-Laid Plans...

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Trumpet honeysuckle native to Alabama
I featured it on my Instagram photo today.

Hello, My Lovelies!  Have you missed me?  I've certainly missed you!!!

Unfortunately, life sometimes gets in the way of blogging, and June has proven to be a very unusual month.  We've celebrated friends' children's graduations (both HS and college): Not unusual for late May and early June, but the NUMBER of the graduates for our small corner of the world has been unusually high.  Congratulations to our young friends and their accomplishments!  We've spent lazy weekends at the lake, and watched torrential rains and late-season storms.  Just this past week Alabama has been hit with severe thunderstorms and an F-2 tornado.

We've had close friends with personal crises, one involving a critical illness.  One of our friends is having major surgery this week (Thursday, June 28th).  His name is Randy, and he needs your prayers.  Our daughters have been unusually busy, and we were able to sneak away to the lake for a few days earlier this month.  It was such a blessing to spend a few days with Shanley Belle!  Shanley is preparing for a trip to Hiroshima to present her research. Please pray for good health and safe travels for her.

Lately I was reminded of my own mortality, and I am adapting a healthy lifestyle and educating myself.  This is taking-up a huge chunk of my time.  But my situation is improving daily, and today I completed a thirty-day yoga challenge.  I can tell a real difference in my strength and flexibility!  Sadly, we had to cancel two trips earlier this spring, but I'm hoping that we can squeeze one in at the end of summer.

I won't be able to review as many books for the next couple of months because I won't have the time to read them.  I know I made a few commitments to review books, and I'm so sorry that I cannot fulfill those commitments at the present time.  I can post guest posts and book excerpts for now if anyone is interested.  Please email me and let me know!

I haven't been much of a presence on Instagram lately, but I hope to try and at least post one fun photo per day.  Please follow me and I'll follow you back!

This is an IG post for TLC Book Tours.  It's my favorite one I've posted so far this month.  I appreciate that Lisa and Trish are allowing me to continue IG Tours while I get stronger!

I'm still referring to this awesome book, and I'm really getting creative with my house plant choices.  This bird's nest fern is growing out of a lava rock!  See the black underneath?  It's the rock!

I know I haven't posted many reviews lately, but if you're looking for a fun cozy mystery series, I suggest Ellie Alexander's Bakeshop Mysteries.  I love Jules, and I hope to read this one soon.

I hope you guys are having a great summer.  Thanks for reading my blog.  Y'all's encouragement means so much to me!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I hope the rest of the summer goes smoothly. I changed some of my habits to work on improving my health this summer and so good! I even hiked in the heat this morning. It sure has been nice to have the ac and fans to relax under this afternoon. Take care of yourself and I'll keep you and your friends in my prayers. We can always do that for each other! Hugs!

  2. glad to see you again..I will definitely pray for your girl...(how awesome for her!!) and for Randy. Hope all goes well.
    hugs to you!

  3. Wow, Ricki! You have really had a lot going on there. Praying for your friend AND your daughter as she goes off to a foreign land..AND for peace of mind for you while all of this is happening around you.

    God bless you and your family. I have read so many books that you recommended over the years and have never been disappointed yet. xo Diana

  4. Sending loads of prayers your way and to your friend's. I've missed your posts and didn't know you had been ill, so special wishes for continued healing. It sounds like quite a summer and I am glad you are able to get to the lake now and then and just relax.

    I think Shanley Belle will find Hiroshima very moving and I hope she has a bit of time to travel around Japan while she is there.

    Meanwhile, sending love. j

  5. Oh no, I figured you were busy with family and life, but now you have me worried about your health...I hope you continue to get better and I can only imagine how stressful your daughter's trip will make you feel...I never could figure out how you had time to read so many books, so I certainly understand your time crunch. I do love a tasty mystery so I will check out the Bake Shop mysteries, thanks!

  6. I've missed you. It's absolutely true, we sometimes have not by choice, but to delay our blogging when life calls. I hope your friend finds his way back to good health. I will certainly pray for Shanley and safe health and travels. RJ, I hope you are feeling better now, sounds like you have found a way to build your strength and energy. I am back on my healthy diet, got away from it while traveling. Hope you get to plan a trip for later this summer. Lovely photos and books to think about for summer reads. Hope we can get together with Jenna for lunch this summer..............hugs.

  7. Life can get busy for all of us at times that is to be expected, for me it has been a month with my parents in hospital and with that a lot of worry and concern

  8. Hello Friend,
    Sending prayers for your friends and family. I will pray for your daughter as she travels to Japan. I will be looking forward to how she enjoys her time.
    I too have been improving my self .. health and education.
    xx oo


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Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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