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Happy New Year 2018

Monday, January 1, 2018

I hope y'all are enjoying the Christmas season so far!

Happy New Year, My Lovelies!  

We've been traveling over Christmas, and we missed a flight or two, had two pieces of luggage lost, and one member of our party was detained at the gate and we almost didn't make it home.  We had a lovely time on our vacation once we were at the resort, but getting there and returning home was not very delightful.

Today I prefer to look ahead and give you, my Lovely Readers, a preview of what you'll read about here on The Sketchy Reader.

The Westies are looking forward to a happy and healthy 2018.
Finlay and Mustang Sally bring so much joy to our lives...they're encouraging me to bring back My Happy List.  Wait and see if I do because the jury is still out about that one!

I'm looking forward to several book releases this year:

I hope to share these books with you soon!

I'm happy to be a part of the Tales of the Traveling Totes.   My first post will be March 1, 2018, and I can't wait to share our Christmas and other winter adventures with you then.  Here's a sneak peek:

This year I have a major project I'll be working on:  organizing family photos in creative ways.
I have a ton of photos hidden in a cabinet, and I want to organize them by creating beautiful projects to display in our home.  Here are a couple of projects I'm planning:

Both projects utilize 7 Gypsies products

I'll still continue my Sketchy Reader Snail Mail Letters because I'm having too much fun with them!  

December's Indie Next List letter

Last but not least:  My Word of the Year.  You'll have to wait for Wednesday's post.  Stop back by because there will be a giveaway associated with my Word of the Year.  How's that for a teaser?

I hope you're having a wonderful beginning to 2018.  We'll be watching a little football game tonight called the Sugar Bowl.  Roll Tide Roll!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Sorry to hear about your travel challenges, but your week in paradise looked awesome! You have set some pretty good goals...I should probably give that some thought...tee hee! Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, despite the travel issues. I'm looking forward to lots of book reviews from you in 2018!

  3. Sorry about your travel issues but happy to see your sweet pups and hear the new year is beginning on a great note. Happy New Year. May you have lots of fun travels with your new tote and not have any issues in this coming year.

  4. Travel is a wonderful thing, if only it didn't require airlines! You have a great book list, sounds interesting and lovely. You have a project planned I have pushed back for several years. We have so many photos of Jay growing up and his sports. I have got to get those organized. I will be watching to see what you do. I am so happy you are in the Traveling Totes, can't wait to see your first post! Happy New Year RJ, look forward to our lunches in 2018........

  5. Happy NewYear! Glad you made it home; sorry the travel is so awful especially when flying is involved. I would rather just stay home if I have to fly. Trying to figure out if I have the muscle power to row a boat to China!

  6. I hope you have a wonderful 2018 with lots of travel and little problems

  7. Traveling sure isn't what it used to be, and the snafus can take the pure joy right out of it, but I'm glad to hear your stay itself was nice. I have been working to clean the slate here at home of all holiday decor so that I can get hygge. :) Happy New Year!

  8. Happy New Year, RJ! I'm sorry about the transport/flight issues but I'm glad the resort part of your vacation was a good one. And your new year looks so exciting and such fun! (Loved your opening photo, by the way!) I've been dealing with photos too and will look forward to the beautiful projects you showed. Not to mention a Happy List (love the westies!) I'm pulling together the books post and looking ahead, narrowing down my "word of the year!" Should be fun and I look forward to sharing part of it with you!

  9. You certainly christened your tote with style Ricki Jill, with a trip to the Bahamas! I hate hearing your travel there and back was challenging...I HATE to fly these days! I bet your body is in shock now with all this cold, it is so cold on Ono the water main to the island froze and broke and we are without water! Hoping it's fixed today! Your plans for the blog sound great, I am loving the idea of your Happy List! That is my goal for 2018, staying positive~ I hope to see you again soon, stay warm! Roll Tide!!

  10. Hello Dear,
    Oh, I am excited to hear about your adventures.
    I am looking forward to the books you shared.
    I am also looking forward to your word for 2018!
    Love, Carla

  11. Happy New a Year! I’m so glad I stopped by as you’ve alerted me to some new releases I hadn’t heard of yet. Your travel woes notwithstanding, it sounds like your vacation turned out fine in the end.


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Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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