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What I'm Reading Wednesday: Beach Edition

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Look at my stunning new tote bag!
Want one?  Are you jealous?  ;P
Keep reading!

Happy Wednesday, My Lovelies!  It's time for another edition of "What I'm Reading Wednesday" here at The Sketchy Reader.

This is the beach edition because we're at the beach for Fall Break.  YAY!  Plus, Shanley Belle turns 25 tomorrow!

When Shelley was little, she liked playing "Guess What's in My Purse."  Well today we're playing "guess what's in my pretty tote bag!"

Let's take a Look-See, shall we?

I'm reading The Welcome Home Diner!  Come back Monday and read my review.

Inside you'll also find a pretty notebook and pouch for my pencils and other journaling supplies.
Jenna designed these pretties.  You can follow Jenna on her super-cool blog, The Painted Apron HERE,
and these pretties can be found at Jenna's Society 6 Shop HERE.

I'm also charging my iPad, and it will be packed along with the fun stuff above because I'll be reading two books on my Nook app:

Both of these look like fun beach reads:  A superhero detective story, and a cozy mystery which will get me into the Halloween spirit.  :D

Although I'm enjoying my family at the beach, I have a couple of posts scheduled, including my Nancy Drew Literary Friday Post.  I'll also be in touch with y'all because this vacation is all about relaxation, and reading blogs is relaxing!

I hope y'all are having a great week!  

Until next time...

Happy reading!
Ricki Jill


  1. Those mysteries sound great.

    Have a wonderful time at the beach and enjoy your family.

  2. Safe travels and have a great time. I am so jealous. I have seen Jenna's pretty things and she is such a talent. Have a great time.

  3. that tote is adorable! I love how everything matches, (sigh)
    I'm looking forward to your review:)
    I hope you have a great time at the beach.
    Happy Birthday Shanley Belle!!
    Death overdue looks like fun..I really like the cover, lol!
    big hugs!

  4. Enjoy your beach time. Looking forward to Friday's Nancy Drew. :-)
    I like the tote.

  5. P.S. Happy Birthday to your Shanley Belle!! What fun, 25!!

  6. Thank you Ricki Jill! I love your tote bag ready for travel!! It thrills me to know it will be toting a sketch book and drawing materials as well as some wonderful books to read! I love cozy mysteries~ The weather is perfectly fabulous on the coast, y'all are going to have a great weekend! Happy Birthday Shanley Belle!
    PS I gave that same tote and sketch book to another artist friend in Fairhope and she flipped over it! Thank you for the mention and kind words. Safe travels


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Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
