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Updating my Mood Board in the Library/Classroom

Thursday, September 28, 2017

I'm feeling moody today, My Lovelies.  More accurately, I'm updating my mood board with a few wonderful Etsy finds from one of my favorite Etsy stores, Winged World.  Artist Vickie Moore loves "to preserve obsolete library card catalog cards by turning them into pieces of art."  And I for one am so happy that she does.  Our daughters didn't know what they were when I showed the illustrated card catalog cards to them.  Card catalogs became obsolete after 1992 with the advent of computerized catalogs, although many of them were not online until the early 2000s.

The mood board is on the work table where I blog, so I like the table to remain neat, and it's an added bonus to be inspired by fun art.

The tiny little factory cart is a replica of the large one here in the library.  These are books that are on my TBR list.  I hope to finish reading them all by Christmas.

The smaller cards are actually Vickie's business cards, and I think they are too cute to put in drawer so I placed them on my mood board, too.

I love Madeline!  

I loved the Harry series when I was a little girl.  Harry the Dirty Dog is a favorite, and this card is for Harry and the Lady Next Door.

Do you have a mood board?  What's on it?
(I want to be a looky-loo and snoop a peek at your mood board, bulletin board, fridge, whatever you use to stick things that inspire and make you smile!)

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. I think that is brilliant. I have incredibly fond memories of card catalogs. There was something extra magical about having your name on that card and getting it stamped. Not all progress is good!

  2. Oh, your mood board is lovely! I fear my whole mood is covered with photos of people I love and it's way too cluttered! My whole world is at the moment. But it's a wonderful idea. The card catalog concept is wonderful!

  3. I love this. I look at a blank wall in my little office nook.

  4. I have read some of your TBR stack -- and I enjoyed them all. I love the book you gave me about the bookstores! My board (which is in my studio-in-progress) got a massive cleanup last week, and now only has a couple of things on it. The notebook-in-progress for your online bookclub is coming right along, although I am still cleaning up some booboos I made with the hot glue gun.

    Too funny that your girls don't even know what a card catalog is! Makes me feel like a fossil... I would love to find one for my various bits and pieces.

  5. Love the great idea to add the artsy cards to your mood board. I have a tendency to stick anything special into the shelves in my kitchen so I can enjoy everyday. My frig use to be covered so I guess that was a mood board. Guess I need to make one!

  6. So cute! What a sweet idea~ I loved Madeline growing up, I still have some of those books, and did you read Eloise? She was my favorite! I read every thing on a kindle now, and I do miss book books, but it's so convenient to just throw it in my bag and everything is all there, not to mention light weight...but I love seeing your stack of TBR...

  7. I have never heard of a mood board, very interesting.

  8. So many things are obsolete now that we grew up with. I certainly remember card catalogs. Cute idea to illustrate them.
    Our dinner was fabulous with Amor Towles. You would have loved hearing him.
    I am not familiar with mood boards.

  9. My mood board has watercolor of flowers, inspiration quotes, Downton Abbey quotes and photos. And photos of my family.
    I also change my mood board with my mood or what I am working on.
    xx oo


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