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Millennials Might Be On to Something.....

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

I read an interesting article recently at NPR about millennials and their obsession with self care.  It explains what has influenced this trend, social media being the biggest culprit. Also acknowledged is the booming industry related to self care. Our daughters enjoy a couple of monthly subscription boxes, one is for beauty and the other is for "expanding one's mind." Although many Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers (like yours truly) roll our collective eyes at millennial snowflakes with their safe spaces and coloring books, they might just have this whole self-care thing right.

Millennials like activities: They enjoy learning and improving themselves. They tend to be less materialistic because they are too busy "doing."  It should be interesting to see what happens to all these MacMansions we just had to have because these millennials won't buy them when we want to retire and downsize.  They're about the experience, making it look "pinworthy" and posting it on Instagram.  Who has time to maintain a huge house when one has totally different priorities?

Both of our daughters not only practice self-care they also spend a whole lot of time talking about it and researching it.   I think they are on to something with this whole self-care thing. It allows for self-reflection and encourages them to take some time for themselves.  I think it's healthy just as long as social media doesn't influence them to the point that they see themselves as "less than."  That's the only downside I can see.

I decided to do a little research of my own and practice a little self-care.  I researched mostly skincare products (because that's what I like) I thought could help me feel better.  Here's what I found:

My daughters and I are obsessed with Korean skincare.  

I have used the Clinique Three Step Skincare Regimen since I was 13.  I love the Moisture Surge,  too.

I need the nail therapy because my hands are constantly in chemicals. 

The Citybee body butter smells like the beach.  The Fekkai spray is a hair fragrance mist.  If my hair must smell like something, why not roses?

These are my favorites:  Aveda's Dry Remedy for hair and Beautifying Oil.  The new product by Clinique is a seven day regimen of Vitamin C for the face.  

Another Korean mask, but this one for the eyes, far right.
I'm a fan of all things Tonymoly.

Literally I'm stopping and smelling the roses....IN MY HAIR!  ;)

None of these products was very expensive (except for one) and I do admit that it feels nice to soak in the tub with a mask on my face.  

I'm saving my very favorite self-care products to share with you on Sunday.  They are deserving of a separate post.  Come back Sunday and check them out!

So what do you think of the Millennials and their obsession with self-care?  They might be the most emotionally intelligent generation in, like, *ever*

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Very interesting. I'm feeling a little older and in need of self care these days! :)

  2. Interesting! I need to pay more attention to self care. '-)

  3. Yes an interesting post, good skin care is important no matter what the age

  4. Interesting!!! I love good skin care products especially as I get older. Not so much make up as skin care products. With the stress I have been under I could use some self care days.

  5. I also found this interesting. Looking forward to Saturday's post!

  6. The one thing i have started splurging on are products for my skin and hair. I see two here i have to research, anything that smells like the beach and the spray fragrance for the hair. Ill look forward to your favorites. Keep us in the loop on your likes and dislikes, with two daughters I'm sure you are updated often on great new products........

  7. I agree. That is one reason I enjoy my Birchbox subscription. I have received many Korean samples.
    Fun post!!

  8. I love to go to Sephora and get a bunch of the little samples to try! I'm sure with 2 daughters, you have a lot of help finding self care products! I love that they have subscription boxes too, it must be like Christmas at your house all year long!

  9. Interesting observations about millennials. I need to branch out and try more products. I am stuck in a rut.


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