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Changes in the Art Studio

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Happy March, My Lovelies!  We've been a super busy family lately, and I promise to write a post later this weekend about all our activities.  There are two things I want to share with you today, though.

First, Shanley Belle is defending her thesis this morning.  This afternoon, she'll be flying to Baton Rouge to visit Louisiana State University's Communicative Disorders Department where she hopes to join their doctoral program.  She could really use your prayers!

The second thing I want to share today is our art studio (I say "our" because Shelley uses it all the time).  I worked for weeks to organize all our ephemera, pencils, crayons, stickers, sketch pads, books, etc.  It was quite the job.  I had to "work in" this huge job when I had time in between horse shows and other activities.

This is what the studio looked like before:

This is the after:

Out with the old, and in with the new.  We removed the sofa because we needed more room to access our supplies in the bookcase.  Mr. Art @  Home gave me the easel as a Christmas present.

The armoire holds a variety of drawing pads, canvases, oil paints and mediums, vases, and candles.

My amazing art teacher Dori DeCamillis painted this painting.  My longer paint brushes are in these vases.

I like how this vase blends with the Mama 'Possum's dress in the painting.  

I love how our supplies are organized.

In the opposite corner from the bookcase I placed an antique table with a few more supplies and an ivy plant that's supposed to help clean the air from the toxins associated with oil painting.  

Shelley and I are both obsessed with washi tape.  We decided to keep it out within easy reach.  The short paint brushes are for watercolor pencils.  

The crate on the left holds my gratitude cards.

The large vase holds a variety of crinkled seam binding and velvet ribbon.

This is the foyer looking from the studio.

Most of the work you can't see, but trust me it's a huge change for the better.  It feels so good, and I look forward to drawing, painting, and creating everyday in our organized space.  

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. It is really pretty RJ. We are not that neat here! I love how you organized the tape and the brushes. Your armoire is amazing! xoxo Su

  2. I adore that antique white settee or sofa, but it does give you more room this way. I would no doubt have had paint or something all over it! I hope you have another place to put it because it is gorgeous. You have everything so beautifully organized -- that big armoire is perfect for all the supplies. Really nice easel, too!

  3. I like a lot, oh so nice indeed, Leo also says pooper dooper don't know why he just did and wanted me to share that with you.

  4. Your creative space is awesome. Love that french armoire. Gorgeous piece. Have a great rest of the week.

  5. Your art studio was great before RJ but looks fabulous now as well. I understand the need for more room in a studio, especially if you are sharing. I have to say that armoire is gorgeous. I think it is a perfect piece for storage. I see so many things to love, the painting of your daughter, MC light fixture, dinning room chair seat covers, and all your paint brushes! You are so organized and I love how the supplies look like art. The painting from your art teacher is stunning! I love your space and your home is beautiful........

  6. Yes, it all looks like a great space for creating. It is impressive how organized you are. I spent the day organizing some cupboards. It feels good to get organized!

  7. Your room looks like a magazine both before and after. You have very lovely antique pieces and arrange your accessories beautifully.
    Not sure when you sleep as you are always drawing and painting and on the go..
    Love your wallpaper.

  8. You have me green with art studio envy Ricki Jill! Now that we are mostly at the beach house, I have no where to really create...I do have a wonderful armoire but it's full of dishes...hmmmm, lets see, dishes or paint....I think PAINT! Ha! I really admire your dedication to your journal page a day, and I am going to try to do at least one sketch a day. You are always an artistic and literary inspiration!

  9. Happy creating in your beautiful space! I think you have posted paintings by that artist before, correct? I really enjoyed them and liked the reminder!

  10. This is such a pretty space. I really like the way you mix things together.


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.


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