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Advent Day Three 2016

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Happy Saturday, My Lovelies!  Today's cookie is the Ginger Pfeffernüsse, a traditional Christmas cookie in Germany, Denmark and The Netherlands.  This is the first time I've tried baking pfeffernüsse, but I've tasted it several times before.  This recipe did not include molasses, and I think I like them better with it.  Although the recipe in the books was very good, I suggest you try this recipe.

Pfeffernüsse means pepper nut, and from what I've read recipes with white pepper tastes better than black pepper. The recipe from the book also had ground almonds.

For those of you who might not know, I'm baking a different cookie from this Cookie Advent Cookbook everyday until Christmas Eve.  Most of the cookies are being shared with friends and neighbors.

John 1:19-28

John the Baptist Denies Being the Messiah

19 Now this was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was. 20 He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, “I am not the Messiah.”

21 They asked him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?”

He said, “I am not.”

“Are you the Prophet?”

He answered, “No.”

22 Finally they said, “Who are you? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?”

23 John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’”

24 Now the Pharisees who had been sent 25 questioned him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?”

26 “I baptize with water,” John replied, “but among you stands one you do not know. 27 He is the one who comes after me, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.”

28 This all happened at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan, where John was baptizing.

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Love the verse, John the Baptist has always made me feel humble.

    Your neighbors are going to love your Advent calendar.

  2. Beautiful verse and love that you are challenging yourself to make a new cookie for each day of Advent. This is fun and yummy. Enjoy.

  3. Thank you, I am enjoying this.
    My She Reads Truth Advent has been so good this season. I like reading yours too. It adds to the special of the season.


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