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Pinterest Made Me Do It: "Homemade" Cruffins

Thursday, August 11, 2016

My eldest daughter is now spending more of her time in Birmingham than Tuscaloosa.  She's finishing her graduate program, and we're so happy to have her home for a short few months.  But there are some things she misses about Tuscaloosa, like studying at her favorite coffee house that serves her favorite treat:  cruffins.

What's a cruffin, you ask?  It's the love child of a croissant and a muffin.  We thought it would be fun to try and make them, so we went to Pinterest to find recipes.

Ummm.....Pinterest was almost a disaster.  Almost.  It seems that most of the beautifully pinned cruffins were made via a very complicated process involving pasta makers.  We don't make much pasta around here.

But, alas.....Pinterest to the rescue yet again when we saw a pin for a cruffin recipe using ready-made croissant dough from Trader Joe's!  *squee*

So who is the genius behind this oh, so easy cruffin?  None other than Liza Graves @ Style Blueprint.

This is what you need to do to bake delicious cruffins:

Buy these croissants from Trader Joe's.  Place them on a cookie sheet to thaw and rise overnight or for several hours if you want to bake them in the afternoon/evening.  They truly rise and get much larger!

The get much bigger than this!

Next you have plenty of flavored sugar on hand.

The way I made them is to sort of smash two croissants together and sprinkle sugar liberally on the dough.  I then rolled the croissants into a cylinder shape and crammed them into a muffin baker.

You will need to watch the cruffins while they bake.  They need to be really brown, not a light, golden color.

You also might need to bash them on the head with a wooden spoon a couple of times during baking if it looks like they're trying to make an escape.

The cruffin above is the cappuccino one I made for myself.  Yum!

I baked the cappuccino one for me (I used the espresso powder and cinnamon sugar for that one). While they were baking my daughter went downtown for her ballet class (she was expecting to enjoy her cruffins later).  In the meantime, Mr. Art @ Home came home and started "sampling" them.  He then proceeded to eat the maple sugar one and the cinnamon one in their entirety.  Poor Shanley Belle. She's left with the vanilla one.  With a significant bite taken from it.   :/

Well there's more of that dough at our local Trader Joe's so methinks I'll must needs buy more and constantly keep a stash in our freezer.  These cruffins are delicious!

Have you tried a cruffin yet?

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Those look amazing!! I can just imagine the hot crumbly goodness right now.

  2. I recently discovered the TJs croissants, they taste so much better than the bakery ones! What a great way to jazz them up!

  3. No, but I will tomorrow morning!!!! I have everything I need, TJ's mini croissants in my freeze, flavored sugars from France in the pantry and a pretty Anthro muffin pan. Thanks for the inspiration RJ, these look delicious! Maybe I should thank your daughter since she's the one that missed her cruffins..............Shame on the hubs..

  4. I never heard of such a thing, but that is why I read blogs -- to find out things like this! I had not discovered the frozen dough, but I will look now. And I think a trip to Penzy's is in order too. This is a fun idea! Thank your daughter for me.

  5. I've heard of cronuts, but cruffins? Wow! These certainly do look delicious! Thanks for the intro!


  6. These look delicious! I may give them a try this weekend for a fun treat.


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