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Birthday Prezzies

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Good evening, My Lovelies!  I'm still trying to ease back into blogging, so I thought I'd write a quick little post about a few of my favorites.  I celebrated a birthday last month, and I wanted to share with you presents from my family, all from Shabby Chic.

Happy Birthday to *me*

I love how the receipt was attached to pretty postcards with a beribboned paperclip, of course!

One of my surprises was inside this pretty stamped bag.

Rachel Ashwell has a collection of pretty paints.  The chart is above.  (Sorry it's upside down!)

What could be inside?

Floral napkins!

The key fob matches my duffle bag.

Paisley journal

Ceramic vase

I decided to fill the squat little vase with these adorable daisies.  I had my heart set on pink peonies, but when I saw the fluffy petals on these daisies, I had to bring them home!

I had a big birthday.  I think I got sympathy points due to my surgery.  ;P

It has been a long time since I've fluffed the house, so it was nice to actually iron a table runner and place something pretty on top.

Have you been fluffing your nest this summer?  Any projects?  Please share in the comments section below!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. How nice you were pampered for your birthday. One fluffing thing I am doing is weeding my books to free up space.

  2. Your gifts scream RICKI JILL!!! I love them! As for me, I am working on our bedroom, I am in hopes phase two will be done by July. We will see if phase three happens after how well the crown molding goes next month in our small living room and stairwell. I am also finishing my little hallway project which I cannot wait to share. OH, of course there are the much to do outside in the Summer. I hope you are on the mends my sweet friend.

  3. Ricki Jill happy birthday girl. You got the perfect gifts. Love those daisies they are so awesome. I have never seen daisies like that. Have a great rest of the week.

  4. Your Birthday gifts look like they were made with you in mind. Your pretty new napkins remind me of your steps. Enjoy and I hope you are still celebrating your Birthday month.

  5. Perfect birthday gifts!

    I have never seen fluffy daisies like those - too cute!

  6. You have your family trained very well! They obviously know what you like. I have been sea shelling everything in sight! Plus I painted our BR furniture. I also coerced the husband to swap out a bunch of chairs around the house for some white ones from the great chair warehouse in the attic! So -- yeah -- I guess I have dolled things up a little for summer. I hope you are feeling much better!

  7. Seriously, your family does the best shopping!!

    Happy Birthday. :)

  8. What a delightful collection of birthday surprises, so glad you were fussed over on your special day. Belated Happy Birthday from Normandy.

  9. What a lovely collection of birthday gifts. Hope you enjoyed your special day.

  10. Lovely indeed! Happy Belated Birthday!

    I have never seen daisies like those lovelies:)

  11. Happy (belated) Birthday! Looks like a lovely rustic farmhouse pretty set of gifts. And yay for getting to fluff up the house. :D

  12. So lovely RJ. I love these pretty patterns and soft colors, can't get enough of them around here. Sorry I'm late, crazy around here but I wanted to send you Birthday Greetings! Hope it was a grand day…………hugs.


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
