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Literary Friday: The Little Paris Bookshop

Friday, January 15, 2016

Happy Literary Friday, My Lovelies!  My first book of 2016 is the book Mr. Art @ Home gave me for Christmas:  The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George.  Originally written in German, it was translated by Simon Pare.  What a great start to the year!

Monsieur Jean Perdu owns the ultimate Parisian Indie bookshop located on a barge moored on the Seine River.  Perdu is a phenomenon:  He can "read" a customer by asking a few direct questions and "prescribe" the perfect book to heal what ails him or her.  He's a "Literary Pharmacist," and he's also working on his Great Encyclopedia of Small Emotions:  A Guide for Booksellers, Lovers and Other Literary Pharmacies.  The only problem is, as his name meaning "lost" in French implies, Monsieur Perdu can't seem to help himself: He has nursed a broken heart for over twenty years and he's no better.

The rediscovery of a letter from a long lost lover and a couple of other events lead Monsieur Perdu to untie his barge and travel down the Seine to Southern France.  With his millennial sidekick and bestselling author Max traveling with him, they save someone from drowning, visit Cuisery, the amazing village in France where  virtually every shop is a bookshop, and dance the tango in a secret rave-like venue in Provence.  Throughout all of Monsieur Perdu's adventures, his persistent melancholia almost becomes too much.  Happily for the reader, he begins to heal once he's successful in a quest to find the identification of  "Sanary," the writer of Southern Lights, a book that "saved Monsieur Perdu's life."  There is healing for all the other characters in this wonderful story, too.

This book was written for those of us who love books, bookstores, quirky characters, and the transformative power of love.  Nina George also provides us with wonderful recipes from Provence and excerpts from Jean Perdu's Emergency Literary Pharmacy.  I cooked the Pistou recipe earlier in the week, and it was fantastic.  You may read the recipe here.

What have you been reading?  This is a link party!

Until next time...

Happy reading!
Ricki Jill


  1. Sounds good! happy reading my friend and thanks for the party! Hugs, Diane

  2. I think this was on my list at one point in time and I forgot about it. Adding it back to the list. :)

    I'll try to remember Literary Friday. Is it every week?

  3. I LOVED this book... One of my top reads in 2015. I'm so happy to have found your blog! Linking up!

  4. I have written this title onto my TBR list. Sounds like my kind of book! Thanks and thanks for hosting this link-up!

  5. I would love to visit the bookstore on the barge, sounds fascinating. Paris is a city I would love to visit. This books sounds like it is a good read, will add it to my list.

  6. Lovely gift from Mr. Art. The cover is darling and I want to read it. So off I'm going to check to see if Amazon has it. Happy reading my friend.

  7. The book sounds wonderful.

    I am adding it to my list and telling my sister about it too. She is the ultimate book lover.

  8. The book I wrote about is in the middle of the post. You and your daughter might enjoy it too. xoxo Su


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