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Books & A Cuppa Swap

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hello, My Lovelies!  It's show off time for the Book & A Cuppa Swap hosted by Angie and Beth @ Chaotic Goddess Swaps.

My swap partner is the sweet Jolene @ With A Little Help From My Friends.

Check out the first mug she sent me:

Isn't it pretty!  And the scary thing is I set this table the day before receiving my package, and everything on the table matches the mug!  

I love the size and shape of the mug, and the handle is shaped so prettily! 

This mug is from the Pioneer Woman Flea Market Collection, and the pattern is Country Garden.
This is one of the prettiest kitchenware collections I've seen in a very long time!

She also sent me the cutest mug dressed for an Alabama Crimson Tide football game.  You know how we Southern women totally overdress for SEC football!  ;P

Roll Tide Roll!

Jolene sent me tea for my hot drink.  I'm so happy she did because we only have our breakfast tea and a tiny bit of Earl Grey left after the holidays and the late arrival of winter!  This tea is Strawberry Blush Rose Flavored Oolong Tea from Teavana.
It smells like heaven and tastes even better!  This is such a treat for me because I rarely get to shop at Teavana.
I love the pretty tin, too!

Books!  It's Book Time!!!

Jolene reviewed the first book Little Wild Flower a while back, and I was very intrigued.  The series is one of her favorites, and I can't wait to read it.  The Love Goddess' Cooking School  has been on my Wish List for several months.  Y'all know how I'm a sucker for books with recipes, and this one has a few in the back I can't wait to try!

Love the card....we feed hummingbirds in the summer!

I would like to thank Jolene for her thoughtful gifts and Beth and Angie for hosting!  

Thanks, ladies!

Please click on this link to see all the posts for this swap!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. What lovely goodies! That mug is gorgeous, love the colors. The cup cozy with a little extra bling is awesome. This swap was so much fun!

  2. The mug with your table! Perfection! Such fun.

  3. How fun! Wish I would have known about this. I'll go check out their blog though.

    I may suggest this to my book club. :)

  4. How neat. I never heard of it. The card is really pretty, reminds me of your work. Love the pattern on the cup. xoox Su

  5. What wonderful gifts. I love the sweet card too. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  6. I am not a tea or coffee drinker but I do like the cup and it's red covering

  7. Very nice package! I'm a huge fan of Teavana - they make good tea, and the packaging is nice too! It is very interesting to see what everyone got!

  8. Love the things you got! The mug is absolutely gorgeous!

  9. What fun, Ricki Jill. Loe it!!! xo Diana

  10. I am so happy you liked everything. I love how the two mugs match what you have already. I forgot about the tea pitcher warmer you had. I have to agree with you...we are soul sisters.

  11. What a pretty package! I agree- that Pioneer Woman line is just gorgeous! And I love that hummingbird card. It makes me miss summer!

  12. What a great package. You really hit the jackpot.

  13. You received some great goodies! That hummingbird card is beautiful.

  14. You received such lovely things from Jolene. I LOVE that mug and it's colors go so well with your table. Your swap partner got it just right!
    sending hugs..

  15. Fun package, RJ. What a great selections for enjoying a winter day or evening. Happy reading as you enjoy a cup of tea.

  16. Such a pretty mug! And a gorgeous card!

  17. I am so very late to you blog- ack!- but I love the clean, simply, feminine redesign you did! Also, love that Jolene sent you such a "you" package! That mug is perfect...and now The Love Goddess' Cooking School is on my list, too! ;)


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