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Poppyseed Chicken (Or Turkey!) Casserole

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Today is Boxing Day, and I have no idea what Boxing Day is....truly I don't.  Enlighten me if you want.  I even read a few English blogs, but I still don't get it.

Moving on.....

I have an easy and wonderful recipe for you especially if you have lots of leftover chicken or turkey. You are probably tired of the kitchen like I am.  It seems like I've been living in there for the past several weeks....actually I have been!  :/

Most Southerners have a Poppyseed Chicken Casserole in their family cookbook.  It's a great dish to take to potluck dinners, or for families who need a "mercy" meal.  Some folks use cream of chicken or cream of celery soup.  I prefer cream of chicken and mushroom, but it's truly up to your taste.

Sorry for the dark photos.  The weather hasn't been cooperating!  

Poppy Seed Chicken Casserole


3 - 4 c chopped chicken (I use 4)
1 can cream of chicken and mushroom soup
1 16oz container sour cream (I use Daisy)
1 1/2 c shredded cheddar cheese (I use mild and I grate it myself)
3 T Poppy seeds
1 sleeve Ritz crackers, crushed while still in sleeve
1/4 c butter, melted (sweet)


Preheat oven to 350. Combine first five ingredients in a large bowl and stir well. Spoon into a lightly greased 11 X 7 inch baking dish. Top with crushed crackers. Drizzle with melted butter.
Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 25 - 30 minutes or until bubbly. Let stand ten minutes before serving.

Serves 6 hungry people.

NOTE:  I like to start with the BEST chicken.  Recently when I hosted book club, I served this dish. I used chicken my husband had cooked on the Big Green Egg (it was a drunk chicken).

This is the best, most juicy chicken ever!  Just look at that browned skin and French herbs.  Yum!

When I made it yesterday, I used a chicken I'd roasted on Christmas Eve.  I have the best recipe for roast chicken, and it is so simple.  I will post instruction for that soon, but in the meantime, you can use all that leftover turkey you have in your fridge!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. This was really delicious when you served it at the book club That chicken looks decadent!

  2. Looks delicious! I always thought Boxing Day was in reference to when all the servants in the large manor homes were given gift boxes for Christmas. Guess they had to wait till the day after Christmas for their celebration because they were the staff providing the food and service to those of the house celebrating Christmas.

  3. Boxing day was the day that servants and other of the poor were given boxes of provisions from the 'big house' We still do it in the UK, but it's now usually on Christmas Eve (or even before) when we give people like trash collectors. mail men, and windowcleaners, a Christmas Box in the form of a cash present. It seems to be dying out now, as most of the people we have traditionally given to have more money than those of us who are retired or on Disability Pension. Personally I now make mince pies, Christmas cakes, and biscuits (cookies) and hand those out. they are always very well received and I think that people appreciate the homemade touch, rather than a cash gift. Blessings

    1. Hello, Leslie! Thank-you so much for stopping by and explaining it to us. I've always wondered about Boxing Day, and it's nice to know that homemade gifts are more appreciated. I think that's a better make and give delicious treats!

      Again, I appreciate your comment so much!

  4. Hi RJ!
    This looks de-Lish!!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  5. I am definitely bookmarking this post Ricki Jill! Yum, I can just imagine the aroma of it in the oven. Now I know What I will be preparing for tomorrows dinner!
    I want to wish you and your sweet family a Happy, Happy New Year. I hope it's the best-est!!!
    sending hugs...

  6. We celebrated Boxing Day when we lived in Jamaica, but I never learned exactly what it was for.

    Boxing Day has several origins, all of which have some validity. One is that Boxing Day relates to a Christmas Box that was carried on ships. A priest would pray over the box before it left and Mass would be held regularly on shore during the journey time of the ship. Sailors on board would add a coin to the box and if the ship returned safely the box of coins would be given to the church in thanks for their prayers.


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