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Advent Day 3 *plus* a Recipe

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Happy Advent Season, My Lovelies!  This year on my Advent Calendar I want to share Christmas traditions from around the world along with a daily scripture reading.

Today's featured country is Ethiopia, where Christmas is celebrated on January 7th.  Church services are a very important part of their Christmas celebrations.  People receive candles as they enter the church. After lighting the candles everyone walks around the church three times, then stands throughout the mass, which may last up to three hours.

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Luke 1:68-71

68 “Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel,
    because he has come to his people and redeemed them.
69 He has raised up a horn[a] of salvation for us
    in the house of his servant David
70 (as he said through his holy prophets of long ago),
71 salvation from our enemies
    and from the hand of all who hate us—


Do you feel like this baby?  If so, I have the recipe for you!

I got this recipe from The Fresh Market's November 2015 Inspirations Magazine, but I found this video online.  I made this soup over the weekend, and everyone loved it!

Please let me know if you try it!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. Hi RJ, love the colors and border. Soup is perfect this time of year. I make it ofter too. Enjoy your week………..


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I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
