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Literary Friday: Ink and Bone

Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy Literary Friday, y'all!  This week I read the first book in a brand new series by Rachel Caine (of Morganville Vampire fame).  Entitled Ink and Bone, it introduces the reader to The Great Library series and a very dark world where knowledge is controlled by librarians.  They rule the world.

Imagine a world where the Great Library at Alexandria was never sacked.  It has thrived, and it has sister libraries throughout the world including the Bodleian Library at Oxford University.  Imagine a world where individual book ownership is forbidden: People are allowed to read texts via an alchemical process instantly, but the text disappears once read.  Imagine a world at war, where the rebels, or burners, attempt to overthrow the library and its power.  Can you even begin to imagine such a world? Frighteningly scary, just in time for Halloween!

Jess Brightwell values knowledge and books. His affluent London family has made its fortune in the book and manuscript black market.  Jess is sent to Alexandria as a postulant to train to be a librarian and his family's spy.  Soon he and his classmates are sent on a dangerous quest to war-torn Oxford, England to save the rarest books from the Bodleian.  But Jess and his fellow postulants are constantly threatened by the Welsh Army, burners, and high-level library scholars.  When one of Jess's friends designs and builds a machine that could possibly change the world, Jess learns first-hand the ruthlessness and power of the Library.

This series will be a hit.  I love how Caine has included ancient concepts and history like alchemy, automata, and Greek fire in the book.   I also learned from her website that the Great Library of Alexandria often confiscated original materials from private owners and merchants.  You can read all about the Great Library and other historical inspirations here.

Ink and Bone book trailer

What did YOU read this week?  This is a linky!

Until next time...

Happy reading!
Ricki Jill


  1. I have not read anything all week long. Maybe today- I have a book that you recommended that I ordered from Amazon sitting here waiting for me. I would like to read Stephen King's new book, too. A couple of people said it is very good! Have a great weekend. xo Diana

  2. This sounds like a book I will recommend to my librarian daughter. She also manages The Vampire Library online

  3. It reminds me a bit of Ink Heart which was a series for older kids or teens. Actually I remembered this week's linky, so I have a book to share. Have a great weekend and a Happy Halloween. Love your chandelier the way it's decked. xoxo Su

  4. Thank you for the recommendation I love Vampire books! Well anything Vampire!!!
    Happy Halloween,
    Boo kisses,

  5. I haven't been much of a reader this summer RJ, but thank you for this recommendation. Maybe scary is something I need about now :)))) I've been watching a couple of scary movies for Halloween though.
    Have a great Halloween.
    hugs to you...

  6. What an imaginative premise! Did it do well in the execution of the story? Sometimes I worry about books with a great premise....some authors focus too much on their clever idea and not enough on the entire story, including characters.


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