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Art History Favorite Paintings

Monday, October 12, 2015

Shelley is taking art history this year, and she's loving it.  She finished her units on the Italian Renaissance and the Northern European Masters, and I thought I'd share with you her favorite paintings she's studied so far.

The Birth of Venus


Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
(close-up of The Creation of Adam)

The Night Watch

A Girl at a Window

Shelley's curriculum didn't cover Vermeer, so I supplemented (it only covered Van Eyck, Dürer, Rubens, and Rembrandt).  

Girl With a Pearl Earring

In addition to her curricula, Shelley enjoys watching Dr. Beth Harris's and Dr. Steven Zucker's Khan Academy videos.  They are wonderful!  Khan Academy isn't *just* about STEM.  Check it out:

Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring: Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring, c. 1665, oil on canvas, 44.5 x 39 inches (Mauritshuis, The Hague).  A conversation with Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris.

Today we begin studying three Spanish masters and mannerism.  Yay!

Until next time...

Ricki Jill


  1. You're so good! Honestly, I had no familiarity with any of this until our son took Humanities in college. He was living at home that semester so I read the material too. We also visited the art museum together. It's amazing the influence the Renaissance painters have had on our world.

  2. Hi RJ, Shelley and I have a lot in common here, these are some of my favorites too. I love visiting museums and I have some photos of some of these I will share with Shelley. We had a good trip to Seattle and Vancouver and I'm doing catch-up visiting friends in blogland.
    Have a great week and tell Shelley hello...............

  3. I love all her choices. I really like Vemeer, well all of them. Renaissance art Northern and Italian are my favorites and then then the impressionists. Those are many of my favorites as well. My daughter took Art History as well. In fact she loves art history. She loved the Great Courses version, and she was able to meet the professor when he was at the art museum here. She watched and loved the Sister Wendy videos. She watched Khan academy videos, because they use the art history ones in the world history course she is taking when they are looking at artifacts. She has an interesting ear, and she has a hard time listening to the woman in those videos. This past summer, at the Louve, she "battled" her way to the front to get a photo of the Mona Lisa. Nuts... My spouse and I had seen it years ago, so we didn't want to try. She said people pulled her hair and pushed her. She's only tiny. xoxo Su

  4. Wonderful topics! I didn't take art history until I was at the university. I think it's great that Shelley is taking it her senior year of high school. Bravo! Girl with a Pearl Earring is one of my favorites as well, and I got to see it when the Vermeer Exhibit was at the National Art Gallery in the 1990s. I loved the book too! Happy Week!

  5. Good for her for her art history at this age. I love it and I know she will, too. I have always loved The Creation of Adam. xo Diana

  6. We have enjoyed studying art as well.
    We are studying Edward Hopper.

  7. Oh, I really enjoyed this post, so many of my favorite paintings as well. What a wonderful class she is taking and great Mom supplementing additional art masterpieces as well. Thank you so much!


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