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Random Chores and Activities

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Happy Tuesday and September, My Lovelies!  We are so excited about two art field trips this week and next week. I'm so blessed to have a daughter who's growing as an artist while learning about art history.  I think it's going to be a great year!

In between teaching, art lessons, riding lessons, and reading for school, I've had many chores and projects around the house.  One that really needed my attention: our planters.  The petunias and a few of the other plants were looking leggy and tired.  I wanted something to plant that would tide us over until pansy season...but I don't like planting mums because I never have good luck with them. So I decided to add (mostly) lantana, vinca, and plumbago to our planters until the first frost.  After the first frost, it's time to plant pansies here in the South.

Pink strawflowers are wonderful late summer flowers, too.

Plumbago, vinca, and marigolds

Of course Finlay must check out anything new!

I love tuna.  I love tuna salad.  I love tuna casserole.  Ask me if anyone else in my family likes tuna. Go on.  Ask.  The answer is heck no.  But too bad so sad because Stacey @ Poofing the Pillows posted a recipe that looked so delish I had to try it anyway.  *so happy* I did!

Called A Tuna Recipe for Fish Haters, you can find this wonderful recipe on Stacey's blog HERE.
For realsies it's called Tuna and Rice Salad with Avocado Dressing.  The dressing is one of the best I've ever tried!

Look at our roses!!!  I love how they open up all the way like this:

I haven't done much house fluffing this's al been about our patio and garden!

I have a large section of hydrangeas out front with awful black spots.  I'm so sad!  Usually I have trouble with roses in Alabama, but this summer, the hydrangeas are rotting.  I just don't get it, although we have had tons of rain.  Usually the rain makes my roses get black spots and powdery mildew....

And now it's time for a shameless plug for my art journal blog.  You can find it by clicking on the link on my sidebar.  Shelley is doing a lot of art journaling for school and working on her art portfolio for college.  I have a couple of art journals, and one is actually a prayer journal.  Here are two of my latest pages:

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The word "keys" was the prompt for last week's Journal52 challenge.  

I used Derwent Inktense watercolor pencils for the keys 

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from my prayer journal

It rained and stormed at the lake over the weekend, so we were without internet for several hours. We didn't even put the boat in the water, and Mr. Art @ Home broke his jet ski.  Again.  And had to be towed back to the marina.  ;P  Since I had all my work done (school and chores) I read two romance novels.  I liked them especially the second one.  The heroine in it was so strong, and she actually becomes laird of her clan (so cool) AND she is a very skilled archer.  No more spoilers, I promise! There was actually more action/adventure/intrigue in these than romance, but that's okay.  GREAT stories about two families, the Montgomerys and the Armstrongs.  Here's a trailer:

The Highlander Most Wanted is probably more about the heroine.  She's a Bad @$$!
The first book in the series is Never Seduce a Scot.  I can't wait for the third!

Tomorrow I'll share some of my favorites from Pinterest and other pretty things for autumn.  

What chores are you checking off your list this week?

Until next time…

Ricki Jill


  1. Hey girl! I'm breathing a heavy sigh of relief that you liked the tuna recipe. It's always scary to put a recipe out there. I agree with you that the dressing is to die for. It could easily be used as a veggie dip or just a salad dressing.

    Your artwork and the home schooling you are doing these days is something special. What a blessing for you and Shelley.

  2. I need to get out to the garden and tame the jungle - it has just been too hot to work lately!

    I love your journals. After carpal tunnel surgery, I find myself unable to use a pen or pencil. I used to have lovely penmanship. For that reason, and a whole long list, I made an appointment for "the next step". The doctors are recommending that my bones be replaced. It sounds so scary, but I cannot journal or doodle which I love. Maybe I will be journaling once again.

  3. Finlay is so cute to check out the new plants. They look beautiful. Have a great week.

  4. You are one busy lady Ricki Jill. I've been cleaning up a couple of garden beds that just seemed to have gone wild while we were away last week. I've got some reading and crochet on the go too. The weather has gone back to hot and humid this week. The grandkids go back to school next week so will be spending a day here this week.

  5. I have to know...did anyone else like the tuna for people who don't like tuna?!?!?!? Suspense!

    I fear I will have to turn my attention to laundry this week (as if I didn't do it last week..ha!)

  6. Your journals are wonderful! I always enjoy seeing your art work. I bet Shelley is as talented as her mama!

  7. I think my comment disappeared?

  8. I got some chores attended to in the garden today. A tad cooler here, so trying to work in the garden to ready things for fall. Waiting for some plants to become available so I can put some new things in containers that I've now emptied. Enjoy the time with that senior girl. '-)

  9. Your roses and other flowers are so pretty! I adore journals of all kinds, and usually have two or more going. As you might imagine, I am keeping one about my health journey.

  10. Yikes! I hope your hydrangeas recover. Maybe it's an illness? :/
    Good luck with all the things!

  11. My planters are sad and as tired of the heat as I am but I'm trying to wait for pansy and ornamental kale season. We would dearly love some of your rain! We're staring at mud flats and our lake fed irrigation intake has been out of the water for about a month. So sorry to hear about your hydrangeas, mine are needing water twice a day in this heat. Your roses are beautiful though!


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Hello, Lovelies!

I'm Ricki Jill. Welcome! I'm honored that you're reading my blog. I enjoy sharing my creative lifestyle @ The Bookish Dilettante. For more information about my blog, please read the Start Here page. Thank-you for stopping by, and I hope you'll consider following me via email.
